There had always been rumors of people who sold their soul to the devil, and this May especially Christian period, though the pact with evil forces there in May all the myths and cultures. Financial success, beauty or ability to do special things were labeled as supernatural powers obtained through a secret pact with an entity, how else than mischievous (?), In exchange, of course, of the soul.Musicians, writers, artists of any kind were often accused signed a pact with the devil in exchange for their virtuosity, wealth or fame. In the following we present the stories of six such people, perhaps best known in the business of selling the souls, and their experiences tulburatoarele ...
Urbain Grandier (1590 - 1634)
Urbain Grandier is the name of that bind, perhaps in May known case of accusation and condemnation to death with the devil and acts of witchcraft. Grandier was, as few would expect a priest. A Catholic priest from Sainte Croix church in Loudon, catholic diocese of Poitiers, France.Before, however, his reputation as a man dressed as a monastic robe, Grandier was made known by his amorous adventures and frequent sexual scandals involving women from every social class, a veritable Rasputin of France. In addition, the vicious priest was also a passionate enemy of the famous Cardinal Richelieu, one against whom he wrote several pamphlets whom acid and repeatedly addressed public criticism.

The scandal began in 1632, year when Mother Superior of the Ursuline nuns of the convent of Loudun, sister Jeanne des Anges, accused Grandier publicly that he sent a powerful demon, Asmodai on to commit improper acts with her. Soon, most nuns had made similar complaints. Against the priest had risen absolutely everyone, including lawyer and one of the personal advisers of King of France, both parents of young seduced by Grandier, and that without the call here on its main enemy, Cardinal Richelieu. In front of an audience made up of over 7000 of people , experts exorcists of the Catholic Church (Capuchin father, tranquil, the Franciscan and the Jesuit Lactance, Jean-Joseph Surin) had the biggest exorcism in the history of France. All Ursuline nuns were exorcised public, claiming that priests were able identify no more than 18 powerful demons posedasera them. When he tried to defend Grandier nuns asking simple questions to answer Greek (speaking of unknown tongues is a sign of demonic possession), they refused, claiming that they signed a pact that will not ever speak Greek. In Instead, the urban home Grandier, Inquisitors have uncovered a document that claimed that the pact is signed proof of the accused with the devil himself and his demons. Act, written in blood, in Latin, from tail to head, is preserved today in the National Library of France (pictured below).

Grandier was burned at the stake on charges of witchcraft and the pact with the devil. Today, skeptics inclined to give justice to those who argue that it was not only a contest of unfortunate circumstances for priest accused of all these misfortunes. Cardinal Richelieu was longing to remove it, sister Jeanne des Anges was refused when he made his amorous advances Grandier and senior officials of the king had seen a sudden the grandparents of the offspring French Don Juan. Or maybe it was nothing but vengeance demons Urban Grandier pact already over? Dr. Johann Georg Faust (1480 -1540) Because of its association with literary or legendary characters that influenced them, it is difficult to determine today the real character of life that existed in reality as the Faust. Most likely, Faust was born in Germany, Helmstadt, around the years 1480/1481. By the age of 30 years, Faust completes its studies in his native country and in Krakow, where obtaining a doctorate in theology. In addition, the mysterious character is distinguished by his abilities as a physician, alchemist, philosopher, magician, astrologer and creator of horoscopes.

At Cracow he meets Martin Luther and Philip Melachton, Dr. Faust characters with a strong friendship links. Legend says that the two were even witnesses Faust pact concluded with the Devil himself. Rumors have been launched since the time of his life, so that the individual was fired from the University of Ehrfut where teach ancient philosophy. It is said that it was time to recognize the shadowy understanding that he had done. In a conversation with a Franciscan priest, Dr. Klinge, Faust said she would have more trust in demons than God. After such a reputation, Faust is banished from academia and the church and go to earn a living selling horoscopes and trying to turn simple metals into gold by alchemical processes. Following an experiment, the unfortunate doctor is torn to pieces by an explosion. 's medical report says the time his body was "mutilated awful," interpreted as a sign of the devil who came to share their reward him. What followed is strictly literary talent of Frank Baron, Marlowe, and Thomas Mann Ghoete.
Hermit Herman (XIII century AD)
Herman Hermit is a character as controversial as it is mysterious. The name is related appearance on the world cultural scene of the largest medieval document known to date - the famous Devil's Bible, Codex gigas, and yet, nothing, apart from a brief legend, does not speak of the life that created (improperly said) gigantic work. Legend has it that somewhere in the thirteenth century, the Benedictine monastery of Podlazice (today's Czech Republic), a certain priest Herman had committed a sin so hard that could not even be uttered . Confratelui shocked that their rulers Benedictine monastery decided, by mutual agreement, the only punishment that Herman would have deserved its building was alive. Terrified by the prospect that reserved to him the other monks, Herman would have begged in tears to spare her life. Instead, he would be followed to write in a book one evening covering all the teachings of the world's largest and most comprehensive book ever written. Surprise, the priests would have agreed to give them an evening sinner yet to prove what may. Last night the hermit Herman did, from what is said a pact with the devil. In exchange for his soul, the devil would have written what remains in history as the Codex gigas - Devil's Bible, and it would be saved from dying painful Herman.

Mysteries manuscript first, but, just now. Weighing 75 pounds and almost a meter long, tanned skin required codex of 160 donkeys to be fully realized. It takes at least two strong men to be transported. In addition to a variant of Vulgar Latin Bible, the Bible, filled with demonic images and a huge portrait of the devil, Codex gigas also contains Isidore of Seville's Etymologia, Jewish History historian Flavius Joseph, Chronicle of Cosmas of Prague Bohemia, numerous treaties of history, medicine, and etymology, a list of monks of the monastery Podlazice, a calendar with an obituary, a lot of magical formulas, spells and local notes. The entire document is written in Vulgar Latin and the last notes stop in 1229. graphology experts say that the author of Codex was one character and not more, as used in the Middle Ages. It is curious that such a document to achieve monumental, should have been at least 30 years (meaning that Herman had written a line every 20 seconds and that would have spent several hours each illustration). And yet, the data indicate that there graphologic even the slightest change in writing or any sign of fatigue, changes during the inevitable for a man so many years.
Another mystery surrounding the disappearance Codex is also the 7th page of the original 320. No one knows where and when pages are gone, but rumors say that their absence is due to the very content that could seriously affect the Benedictine order. In addition, Devil's Bible has earned a reputation for Plaza real bad, it brings disaster on the most its owners, from mental illness, fire and destruction seemingly without explanation. Currently, Codex gigas is kept at the Royal Library in Stockholm, Sweden. Niccolo Paganini (1782 - 1840) Certainly, few of those reading this material may think of the great Italian composer and violinist as an individual what she skills gained from a pact with the devil. But a closer look at the sources reveals that Paganini weather was not bad away from rumors and more, he chose not to deny them again. In fact, even in time of his birth in a poor family without gambling merchant, his mother had a dream premonition, in which he was told that her son will get the biggest violinist the world has ever known.Following this dream, his parents did everything to fulfill prophecy. By the age of seven years, learned to perfectly mystery Paganini's violin and mandolin, the first instruments to perform. By the age of 11 years began to give performances alone, for up to 13 years is already known as a violin virtuoso. Up to 19 years began to compose music alone, and at 23 years old already created huge works of a value. At 27 he already had a huge public success and a crazy ... and rumors about secret pact to assure such a reputation already circulating on everyone's lips . It is curious that when asked if such a rumor is true, Paganini said nonchalantly: "How else do you think I could play the way they do?".

Paganini's decline began at the age of 40, when he was diagnosed with syphilis. Empirical treatments of the time, treatments that included mercury and opium, and virtually destroyed health. Always dressed in black, pale, almost without any teeth, Paganini was only a shadow of beautiful and talented young astonish Europe. People were convinced that the price now paid Paganini who gave unnatural talent. Robert Johnson (1911 - 1938) With the exception of blues music enthusiasts, few are those who know the legend of the black singer with a meteoric rise on the American scene. Robert Johnson was born on a plantation in rural Mississippi in 1911. His desire most, since childhood, was to play the guitar and becoming a famous blues man but, apparently, wanted serious talent left in this regard. Then, during the teenage years, Johnson was advised to take the old guitar and disagreement of unsuccessful attempts to compose music blues, and to seek their fortune at midnight at a crossroads.

Even Robert says he did so at the crossing roads near Dockery Plantation, where, at midnight, he met a man solid color (the Devil). It would have taken the young guitar for a few seconds, would be given a few agreements and would be bound blues, then I would be lying back guitar. Covenant was made. Robert Johnson sell his soul in exchange for talent.And soon, Johnson became famous, one of the greatest blues singers in the history of the United States of America. His plays have come to influence musicians and famous bands, from Muddy Waters, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and Johnny Winter. In addition, Eric Clapton said in a television interview that Robert Johnson was " the most important blues singer that ever lived " . The sign of the devil? Pure coincidence? Nobody will ever know. The fact is that Johnson died at only 27 years, poisoned, apparently, the jealous husband of a woman he invited to the dance ...
Robert Johnson - Hellhound On My Trail
Six remained behind (figure destined?) Albums of genius. In most of there songs that make reference to meeting with the devil in the middle of the night or canteratelui fears he will go to Hell.
Robert Johnson-Crossroad
Jonathan Moulton (1726 - 1787)
nicknamed Yankee Faust, Jonathan Moulton was, in fact, an individual who has given birth to many legends of supernatural flavor, that beyond its influence on real historical events in New Hampshire, USA. Faced with financial problems since childhood, Jonathan worked as an apprentice to a carpenter until the age of 19 years, at which point he left to enlist in the service of the State of New Hampshire militia. In a short time is called the captain of a regiment of mountain troops and, as such, carries numerous battles with Ossippe Indians, allies of France in the Anglo-French war, the war known as King George (1744-1748). This was noted by his deeds of bravery and, as a reward, he received land from the former territory of the Indians stretched Ossippe.
At the end of the war, Jonathan Moulton married Abigail Smith, who would give them no less than 11 children. At that time, Moulton opened a small shop and tried to put up a business in which to import goods from Europe to North America. His business, however, proved an unprofitable and financial problems began to make its mark on its large families. It was when they started to appear and legends Moulton pact would be signed with the devil. The fact is that, for unknown reasons, spouses Moulton began to behave as if it never knew what poverty is. Money not an issue and everything seemed to go smoothly.

Legend has it that Jonathan would have sold his soul to the devil to escape the terrible poverty that you press. In exchange for his soul every day of the month, the devil would have them fill boots with gold coins. That is until Moulton, eager for money nemunciti would have come up with something funny. He cut a hole in the floor, over which he placed some huge shoes without soles. Thus, any gold would have cast the devil, the coins would be passed directly into the basement, leaving the impression that never got the boots. Devil understood, however, fetch the captain and as a reward, the house burned to the ground and made all the gold while the family gathered to Moulton disappeared. J onathan died in 1787. It is said that when his relatives have wanted to open the coffin, it was not found inside a bag of gold than the devil sign on it. Skeptics insist that Moulton was buried in a grave with no name and no one knows where is this place ever.
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