Ancient world adapt their wonderful gift, endowed with amazing physical capabilities with special senses, even with an intelligence that makes you think, sharks are - and last - hundreds of millions of years on Earth.
Gallery (7) Ancient world adapt their wonderful gift, endowed with amazing physical capabilities with special senses, even with an intelligence that makes you think, sharks are - and last - hundreds of millions of years on Earth. Although associated with the collective mind of the danger, attack, bloody events, they are much more than that, and this limited vision, superficial, over them, shows how little is actually known. 1. Sharks are appointed generally cartilaginous fish with elongated body, the hydrodynamic shape . Within its current classifications be supraordinul Selachimorpha or in a subdivision calledSelachii (yes, I know, it's complicated - it's taxonomy, ie classification discipline dealing with living things). We, as not to complicate things, you call them sharks simply. 
Hydrodynamic form does not necessarily mean that shows all the sharks in cartoons, with a pointed snout full of teeth. Evolution has endowed different species with different figures, sometimes showing some lateral development in one region or another of the body but a close look, at least the back of the copula has the appearance typical of sharks - elongated and muscular.
2. The oldest known fossils show that these animals have appeared at least 420 million years ago . 3. There are currently over 400 species of sharks , spread throughout the World Ocean. 4.The smallest shark is known far-lantern shark ( Etmopterus Perry ) found in Colombia and Venezuelan waters. Only mature specimens reaching 17 cm in length. 5. The larger the shark whale ( Rhincodon typus - pictured below) which can exceed 12 meters long and 20 tons weight. (No, do not eat people, is a peaceful giant - well, in terms of man - feeds on plankton, small fish and squid.)
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