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Saturday, February 11, 2012

1816 – The Year Without Summer | Scienceray

1816 – The Year Without Summer | Scienceray

Spring temperatures under the impression – or recalling, at best, Mediterranean Winter – January of this year in Bucharest, I got to ask questions, so, in general, the climate changes and abnormalities.

1816 - the year without summer

Seems no doubt that the weather pattern has changed, if we compare it with what we remember from childhood. Mental images corresponding to the notion of “January” then drifts included large fortress built of snow and even, sometimes, schools closed because of snow height (What happy children! Snow was too big to get to school, but not was too high when it came to going outside to play in it.) And yet, weird weather could have happened before, and people wondered and complained of them as now. Here is one of the most drastic, so unusual that remained in history, received a BA and her name: Year without Summer.

That year, global average temperatures were from 0.4 to 0.7 degrees Celsius lower than normal. Do not look like much, but they were the mean global practice, locally, the differences were much larger.And the consequences were dramatic. What could cause such an anomaly? Today, scientists believe that it was about the cumulative effects of at least two factors: historically low solar activity, plus the effect of volcanic winter caused by a series of eruptions that had taken place the previous year, 1815, culminating with Indonesian Tambora eruption, the strongest ever recorded in history.

Eruption blew a huge amount of ash that had darkened the sky, largely preventing sunlight (and so weak because of low solar activity) to reach Earth. Cols heavenly body, the earth brought forth no longer quite so, for some people in the world, the year without summer was a year without food. A strong hunger haunted the entire northern hemisphere of the planet, where the ash cloud reached in spring and summer of 1816, produced a drastic change in summer climate.

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