Automotive history was written by ambitious characters as a result of their passion and vision. One of the heroes of this field was Louis Chevrolet, born December 25, 1878 in the Swiss town of La Chaux-de-Fonds in the French side of the country.
As a child he lived in Bonfol Swiss village, where he moved at the age of 11 years with his family in France, the Burgundy town of Beaune in the region.
The meeting that changed everything
The event that changed automotive history took place in the spring of 1896 or the year 1897 - history has recorded the exact date.
Because watches shop you manage his father did not enjoy much success, Louis Chevrolet was forced to recruit from age 11 in a bicycle repair shop. Here he gained the first knowledge of mechanical and learned to repair bicycles and carriages.
On that spring day, an American tourist was in Beaune problems encountered with steam tricycle traveling through Europe. Because the repair shop owner is not good for engines, Chevrolet young was sent to "Hôtel de la Poste" passenger vehicle to the American masters.
Though Louis Chevrolet's first contact with a vehicle, he was very skilled, problem solving tourists.American congratulated offered him a generous tip and told him: " You should come to America, young man! We work for you there. My name is Vanderbilt, and this is my address . "
William K. Vanderbilt was mysterious tourist, American millionaire and also a famous a famous racing driver. Although the invitation received, the idea of "American dream" was inculcated in the minds of the young Swiss.
Speed, Chevrolet's passion
Time spent by Louis Chevrolet in the repair shop to do to catch the taste of speed. First, the bicycle.He enrolled in a course organized in 1895 by the local association, Gladiator riding distributed by his employer in the region. Chevrolet has won the competition, continuing to collect trophies in the next three years.
At the end of a race that had gone out again winning Chevrolet, was approached by one of the managers Darracq automobile company, which owns and Gladiator brand bike. It had been the success it had Louis racing speed, and head shop where he worked Chevrolet mechanical Swiss tale of passion. Enthusiastic manager of Chevrolet offered a station Darracq factory in Suresnes apprentice, near Paris.
Darracq factory was the place where Chevrolet depth knowledge of the internal combustion engine,and proximity to Paris allowed him to witness the latest developments in science and technology. In 1899, the French capital hosted the Universal Exhibition, where they could be seen the latest inventions of the time.
Today, most known construction of the exhibition is the Eiffel Tower, which meanwhile became the symbol of Paris. Then, however, appreciated the famous flag was often Machines Gallery , architect Ferdinand Dutert. By its demolition in 1909, Gallery car was the most important metal structure in Europe, a famous writer of the time, Joris-Karl Huysmans, Considering this symbol of a cathedral industrialization of the nineteenth century.
Impressive gallery allowed him to admire the latest Chevrolet cars and the greatest achievements of engineers the world. At that time, Europe was the world leader in car production, the U.S. hovering behind.
To recover lost ground, the U.S. will need engineers and skilled mechanics. Among the thousands of Europeans tempted by American Dream include Louis Chevrolet. Money that he worked closely near Paris allowed to start this adventure, so in 1900 he climbed aboard a ship that was to cross the Atlantic bound for Quebec.
American Dream begins in Quebec
Louis Chevrolet chose to begin this new phase of his life in Quebec, considering that a place where French is spoken language will make it easier to accommodate the American continent.
Having arrived in the Canadian city, Chevrolet is committed as a driver for a family rich in the city, taking advantage of its good mechanical knowledge. Beginning of the century cars needed frequent repairs, and drivers often played the role of mechanic.
In 1901, Chevrolet went to New York, where he hired a famous car company, De Dion-Bouton.
After only a year working at Chevrolet branch was closed, which forced the driver to return to service, the employee Treyvoux family. On this occasion Louis Treyvoux met Suzanne, who was to become his wife. Blessed event took place in July 1905, in New York.
In the same year 1905 Chevrolet Fiat committed to the company as a mechanic. Among his tasks include testing new cars, during which his talent as a driver emerged. As a result, those from Fiat Chevrolet written on him in his first race. This took place on May 20, 1905 in Morris Park, New York.
Located at the wheel of a Fiat 90 starts in his career Louis Chevrolet racing with a victory, beating the famous Barney Oldfield, the best driver at that time. Excited by his first success, participating in several races Chevrolet in the coming months, accumulating trophies.
Impressed with his talent and encouraging results, Fiat officials decide to join him on the Chevrolet automobile the most important race in the USA: Vanderbilt Cup, which take place in Long Island in October 1905. The first major auto competition on the continent, Vanderbilt Cup was founded by William Vanderbilt II Kissa (American that Chevrolet is met with less than a decade ago) the model of the great European races. Its purpose was to demonstrate that American cars they could compete successfully in the European competition is open to drivers from around the world.
Unfortunately, Chevrolet and car destroyed in a training session, entering with it into a telegraph pole.
However, participated in the race using a Fiat car loan, but had to leave after seven laps due to a technical failure.
This first failure did not discourage him, and in 1906 managed to amaze the world automotive circuit to Ormond Beach in Florida. With a car with 200 horsepower V8 Darracq famous, Louis Chevrolet set a land speed record for crossing the distance of a mile in 30.6 seconds, with an average speed of 117.64 miles / hour (189, 32 km / h).
The numerous awards that obtained on circuits Chevrolet across the country have not gone unnoticed. William Durant, owner of the company's Buick, Chevrolet's proposed take for him to compete in a Buick car, hoping the Swiss victories will boost sales.
Durant's bet was a winner: in 1909, Chevrolet has won the prestigious Indiana State Race Trophy jinxafter a 395-mile race.
Then, two months later, attended the opening of the Indianapolis circuit, winning a race car to Buick.
In 1910, Chevrolet has contributed to the design of a new race cars, Buick Bug. Aerodynamic design of the vehicle gave Louis a considerable advantage, making it hard to beat. But his success did not come without sacrifice - has suffered numerous injuries, escaping with life every time. Unfortunately, some of the mechanics who accompanied him in the race did not have the same luck, 4 of them perished over time.
The numerous awards that we get behind the wheel Chevrolet bug him into a national star, American newspapers praising him brave "with a mustache French Gaelic" (obviously ignoring its Swiss origins).Encouraged by the success of Louis, his brothers Arthur and Gaston began to turn to participate in competitions.
Chevrolet launches the company that bears his name
In 1911, William Durant wants to take advantage of national hero status that he had conquered the Chevrolet racing, so the Swiss proposes to create together a new car for the public, following as it bears his name. The entire project would take place within a new company, who would bear the name "Durant-Chevrolet".
Durant's Chevrolet accepted the proposal and the project was presented to the public on May 30, 1911 by the following statement: "WC Durant, General Motors and Louis Chevrolet, one of the greatest racing drivers and also a member of D- Durant's design and construction of motor power and speed, will inaugurate a factory in Detroit devoted to production of high-class cars. "
Late on November 3, 1911, it launched the new company under the name "Chevrolet Motor Company of Michigan", with the first Chevrolet car Classic Six. Luxury car market was designed with a sleek and powerful, they reach a top speed of 105 km / h, a notable performance at the time.
A unique moment took place shortly before the launch vehicle. One night, Louis Chevrolet gone on a road near Detroit, wanting to see how it behaves designed car. At one time-point, was surprised by a Swiss policeman who arrested him and took him to jail. When he appeared in court for punishment, the judge asked him his name. "Louis Chevrolet," replied the Swiss. Immediately, the judge told him punishment: a fine of $ 20. Surprised, Chevrolet asked why it was punished so harshly, and the judge promptly replied: " Sir, you pay $ 10 because you have high speed driving and another 10 dollars that have dared to use the name of a famous pilot racing ".
Numerous tests have been carried out by Chevrolet but in vain, his work getting positive feedback.Machine "Classic Six" was praised by the press for design refinement and technical qualities, the first year of production (1912) 2999 copies being made.
Success with the first car appeared to announce a promising future for Louis Chevrolet car manufacturer in a position, but disagreements with William Durant would soon cause the departure of Swiss company bearing his name.
Chevrolet Motor Company founder runs
Since the beginning of Chevrolet, Louis was dedicated to the design, leaving the William Durant to manage the business. Moreover, although the company was named the Chevrolet, Durant had the largest number of shares.
In no year since its founding, the two figures came increasingly often in conflict. Durant Chevrolet reproached not dress like you should do a man's status, also asking him to give up the habit of cigarette smoking, cigar smoking and recommending, as distinguished and refined men.
The biggest source of conflict between the two it represented their different vision of the future company. Chevrolet cars insist that what is called quality cars with the most refined design, for wealthy clients. Durant, however, see as a priority design cheap car that can compete in price with the Model T Ford car product.
In 1913, when Louis was traveling in Europe with his family, Durant took advantage of his absence and decided to restructure the company. When he returned from vacation, Chevrolet was enraged outburst in the morning of December in which he announced that Durant will leave the company. "I've sold my car, my name, but I will give my body and soul! From now on I will smoke cigarettes every wish. go! "said Chevrolet.
So Classic Six was the only model Chevrolet car which benefited from the contribution of Switzerland.The company continued to produce cars, diversifying their offer, so they left the factory in 1917 111,500 copies. Although all these vehicles bore his name, Louis Chevrolet never gained this success, because they had sold all the shares after arguing with Durant.
Life after the Chevrolet Motor Company
Episode disappointed Motors Chevrolet, Louis returned to what the always passionate: speed.Wanting to design his own racing cars, Chevrolet has a new company established in 1914 for this purpose. Because he could not use his own name, a Swiss named Frontenac Motor Company , after the Hotel Chateau Frontenac in Quebec, the first building you saw Chevrolet when he reached the American continent. Swiss was also attracted by the name sounds French and likeness he had with other famous brands of cars such as Pontiac or Cadillac.
At the same time, Blood Brothers Machine Company representatives have presented the Chevrolet company's latest product, Cornelian car, asking him to turn it into a racing car. Chevrolet supports, and in 1915 is part of the famous Indianapolis 500 race at the wheel of a car Cornelian. Due to technical problems, is forced to abandon in the 77 th round, but those from Blood Brothers are satisfied with the result of collaboration, Chevrolet's presence in the race bringing them many commands.
Louis returns to design machinery, convincing him that collaborated in the design engineer Classic Six model, Etienne Planche, to join the Frontenac project. In 1916, Gaston and Arthur Chevrolet become partners in the company of their brother Frontenac.
Working at Cornelian race car, Louis Chevrolet found that reducing vehicle weight it better on its performance. As a result, it decided that the machine will contain a lot Frontenac aluminum, an innovation unprecedented before.
In 1919, participating with his brother Louis Gaston Frontenac race cars 500 miles from Indianapolis, the most spectacular racing events of the continent. With the exception of the inaugural competition, 1911, the trophy was obtained each time the car manufacturers in Europe. This would happen in 1919, two brothers ranked on sites 7 and 10.
Necessarily wanting to get this trophy, Louis Chevrolet design a new racing car design, with a sponsoring company from Monroe Motors.
The following year the Indianapolis 500, Louis abandons in round 94 of the race due to technical problems, but his brother Gaston manages to win, stopping European domination. Gaston Chevrolet became the first pilot in the history of the Indianapolis race which finishes the race without a tire change and the public and the press praised the success of a car first U.S. success with symbolic value inestimable.
Joy would not last long. Just six months after this success, Gaston Chevrolet dies in Los Angeles during a race, bumping into the car of a competitor. Shocked by his brother's death, which occurred shortly after a serious accident Arthur Chevrolet, Louis gives forever racing career, dedicating themselves exclusively to design.
Louis Chevrolet's ingenuity would be confirmed in the next race Indianapolis 500, one in 1921, won by Tommy at the wheel of a car Wilton Frontenac. With this victory, Chevrolet became the first automaker that managed two consecutive successes in this prestigious competition.
Dating from 1921 reflects an episode that had acquired fame Louis Chevrolet. Marshal Ferdinand Foch, French hero of World War I, visited the United States in a triumphal tour. Louis Chevrolet, the most famous French-speaking U.S. was one of the drivers and interpreters Marshal. American press wrote at the time that every American city that I visited the two, the audience was as enthusiastic about Chevrolet's presence and that of the famous military strategist.
West of a hero
At 10 years of existence, Chevrolet enjoyed incredible success and failure Louis regret his actions.Every day, Swiss see many cars on the street what were called, and this persisted to design the car again for the general public.
Misfortune meant that in 1922, when the company Frontenac was preparing to launch such a vehicle, a severe recession to hit the U.S.. The company went bankrupt, but Louis did not give any of that date and another company he founded with his brother Arthur, Chevrolet Brothers Manufacturing Company . Within that, the brothers designed components for Model T Ford engine.
In 1926, the brothers began producing aircraft engines under the brand Chevrolair , but a violent quarrel caused the two to separate completely and not speak again.
Louis has lost all his fortune after the Great Depression of 1929, barely engage. Ironically, as in 1933, when jobs were increasingly hard to find, Chevrolet manage to engage as a simple mechanical Chevrolet factory in Detroit.
The following year, Louis's life was devastated by another tragedy: the death of the eldest of two sons, Charles, at the age of 28 years. Devastated, Louis suffered a stroke, was also diagnosed with diabetes. Health problems forced him to retire in Florida, where he became a shadow of former racing driver, who had become famous throughout the continent. Plagued by numerous strokes, Louis goes off on June 6, 1941, at age 62, from complications arising after a leg amputation operation.
Louis Chevrolet was buried in Holy Cross Cemetery in Indianapolis, next to his brother Gaston.
On entering the Museum Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame was inaugurated in 1975 a memorial in honor of the brave Swiss. It is immortalized in a bronze bust and the pedestal of marble and granite is engraved a short message:
"Never Give Up"
Louis Chevrolet 1878-1941
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