Division of Japanese high-tech company NEC has invented a model capable of subtitled dialogue glasses.
Similar to ordinary glasses but lacking lenses, attachable device on the head, called Tele scout uses a miniature projector to display images on the retina of the user. NEC says it plans a version of the model able to translate real-time conversation between two people who speak different languages.
According to data provided by the company producing the idea scout Tele originally appeared as a means of supporting the field sales staff in customer . NEC says the device is intended mainly a tool for businesses that provide staff can view information about customers directly, during the dialogue with them. But officials also said the company, Tele scout can be put in service a more exotic, such as translation of phrases used by the interlocutors of different nationalities. In this variant, a microphone attached device would capture the voices of both people involved in a conversation, they would filter through a translation and voice-text systems, and then would send the device information that would design it on the retina wearer. "Thus, while users' would hear the translation, would see their written form on the retina. Tele scout will allow a fluent conversation in this way," said Takayuki Omino representativeness NEC, adding that the system can be used to confindentiala nature talks, uncompromised by the existence of a third party, a human translator. Tele scout will be released in Japan in November 2010, but it will have a translator at the beginning of the function. A version of this application able to follow them until 2011. The price was set at this time for each set of 30 devices, meaning 7.5 million yen, or about 240,000 lei.
According to data provided by the company producing the idea scout Tele originally appeared as a means of supporting the field sales staff in customer . NEC says the device is intended mainly a tool for businesses that provide staff can view information about customers directly, during the dialogue with them. But officials also said the company, Tele scout can be put in service a more exotic, such as translation of phrases used by the interlocutors of different nationalities. In this variant, a microphone attached device would capture the voices of both people involved in a conversation, they would filter through a translation and voice-text systems, and then would send the device information that would design it on the retina wearer. "Thus, while users' would hear the translation, would see their written form on the retina. Tele scout will allow a fluent conversation in this way," said Takayuki Omino representativeness NEC, adding that the system can be used to confindentiala nature talks, uncompromised by the existence of a third party, a human translator. Tele scout will be released in Japan in November 2010, but it will have a translator at the beginning of the function. A version of this application able to follow them until 2011. The price was set at this time for each set of 30 devices, meaning 7.5 million yen, or about 240,000 lei.
Romanian language:
Divizia de tehnologii inalte a companiei japoneze NEC a inventat un model de ochelari capabil sa subtitreze dialogurile.
Asemanator unor ochelari obisnuiti, dar lipsindu-i lentilele, dispozitivul atasabil pe cap, denumit Tele Scouter, foloseste un proiector miniatural pentru a afisa imagini pe retina utilizatorului. NEC sustine ca planuieste o versiune a modelului capabila sa traduca in timp real o conversatie intre doua persoanecare vorbesc limbi diferite.
Conform datelor furnizate de compania producatoare, ideea Tele Scouter a aparut initial ca mijloc de sustinere a angajatilor din domeniul vanzarilor in relatiile cu clientii. NEC sustine ca dispozitivul se doreste mai ales o unealta pentru afaceri, care sa ofere personalului posibilitatea de a vizualiza informatiile despre clienti, in mod direct, in timpul dialogului cu acestia.
Insa, declara tot oficialii companiei, Tele Scouter poate fi pus si in slujba unei utilizari mai exotice, ca de exemplu traducerea frazelor folosite de interlocutorii de nationalitati diferite. In aceasta varianta, un microfon atasat aparatului ar capta vocile ambelor persoane implicate intr-o conversatie, le-ar filtra printr-un program de traducere si prin sisteme voce-text, iar apoi ar transmite informatia dispozitivului, care ar proiecta-o pe retina purtatorului.
"Astfel, in timp ce utlizatorul ar auzi traducerea, ar si vedea forma sa scrisa pe retina. Tele Scouter va permite in acest fel fluenta unei conversatii", a declarat reprezentativul NEC Takayuki Omino, adaugand ca sistemul va putea fi folosit si pentru discutii de natura confindentiala, necompromise de existenta unei terte parti, a unui traducator uman.
Tele Scouter va fi lansat in Japonia in noiembrie 2010, dar nu va dispune de la inceput de functia de translator. O versiune capabila de aceasta aplicatie ii va urma abia in 2011. Pretul a fost stabilit momentan pentru setul de cate 30 de aparate, insemnand 7,5 milioane de yeni, adica aproximativ 240 mii de lei.
Conform datelor furnizate de compania producatoare, ideea Tele Scouter a aparut initial ca mijloc de sustinere a angajatilor din domeniul vanzarilor in relatiile cu clientii. NEC sustine ca dispozitivul se doreste mai ales o unealta pentru afaceri, care sa ofere personalului posibilitatea de a vizualiza informatiile despre clienti, in mod direct, in timpul dialogului cu acestia.
Insa, declara tot oficialii companiei, Tele Scouter poate fi pus si in slujba unei utilizari mai exotice, ca de exemplu traducerea frazelor folosite de interlocutorii de nationalitati diferite. In aceasta varianta, un microfon atasat aparatului ar capta vocile ambelor persoane implicate intr-o conversatie, le-ar filtra printr-un program de traducere si prin sisteme voce-text, iar apoi ar transmite informatia dispozitivului, care ar proiecta-o pe retina purtatorului.
"Astfel, in timp ce utlizatorul ar auzi traducerea, ar si vedea forma sa scrisa pe retina. Tele Scouter va permite in acest fel fluenta unei conversatii", a declarat reprezentativul NEC Takayuki Omino, adaugand ca sistemul va putea fi folosit si pentru discutii de natura confindentiala, necompromise de existenta unei terte parti, a unui traducator uman.
Tele Scouter va fi lansat in Japonia in noiembrie 2010, dar nu va dispune de la inceput de functia de translator. O versiune capabila de aceasta aplicatie ii va urma abia in 2011. Pretul a fost stabilit momentan pentru setul de cate 30 de aparate, insemnand 7,5 milioane de yeni, adica aproximativ 240 mii de lei.
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