About 15,000 years ago, Rhine made its runway one nine large loop, kneading limestone and sand. A natural step cascading, then, the tempestuous waters and splash curtain and bright white foam roaring dance forever. Waterfalls, adamant hindrance in the way inland navigators, little pampering pleasure boats with cold showers and energetic. The Swiss landscape dominated by the serenity of snowy mountains, waters of the Rhine gălăgioasele peace unfold in strips, making a nearby forest.
This year will be seven billion – seven billion human beings will inhabit the planet, using its resources, with or without gratitude, with more or less discrimination, conscious or not their impact on everything that is around. From the biblical admonition "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it", it was the responsibility today to promptings of the number of children that make them almost hysterical warnings and the need for lower speed with which we multiply. Moving from quantity to quality, not just how we are, but how we are – how people will live, what problems they have, what changes will happen with them – are issues that try to predict, in an attempt to improve what you can improve and prepare for rest.
This year will be seven billion – seven billion human beings will inhabit the planet, using its resources, with or without gratitude, with more or less discrimination, conscious or not their impact on everything that is around. From the biblical admonition "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it", it was the responsibility today to promptings of the number of children that make them almost hysterical warnings and the need for lower speed with which we multiply. Moving from quantity to quality, not just how we are, but how we are – how people will live, what problems they have, what changes will happen with them – are issues that try to predict, in an attempt to improve what you can improve and prepare for rest.
The idea that February is the month of love is true, but a feeling so strong should not be limited. Need to show that love in every month, day and the risk of exaggeration, every moment of our lives. Love is the purest feeling that we can share with the others and how we do it better, if not by love flowers.
They help us express our feelings and change, showing them the closest to mean everything to us. Flowers of love are many in number, some believing that all flowers can be our messengers, but there are some that are closer to the notion of love. Thus, some can transmit the feeling of pure love, while others indicate another shade of this feeling.
If you want to show them a loved one how much you love but that is a very nice body, you can give them bouquets of orchids . These flowers can be kept in the apartment a long period of time, provided you make sure the temperature in your home.
Read more: http://writinghood.com/online-writing/what-are-flowers-of-love/#ixzz1mqpYEBHL
It is true that spring is not a single flower. That is why I chose 50 photos that appear beautiful field flowers, trees, forest … Is there anybody who has not collected in bunches, not admired them under their feet besides bees or butterfly wings , not broke or bought for loved ones or half in certain times?
Have a beautiful spring, colorful, sun, joy.
Iris flower is known to us as the iris (popular), but all online florist or your town you will find as "Iris". Meaning of the word is bow, her favorite flower is the goddess of the same name from Greek mythology. People who appreciate the flowers, often express themselves well, are very expressive and assertive in what they do. Is considered the messenger of love, these flowers symbolize communication and messages and if you choose to take care of them properly, to nurture in the home or garden, they can be in turn, a messenger of wisdom and appreciation from your guests. Iris Flower can house rainbow color, these flowers can be found in shades of blue, purple to pink or orange, and there are copies in black. They bloom in spring (February to May), depending on the subspecies they belong and can be a perfect gift for a loved one, for example, a bouquet of 19 white irises .
Here’s how to care for Iris Flower:
Read more: http://scienceray.com/biology/care-of-the-flower-of-iris/#ixzz1mqiezlFS
3. DOG
12. Jaguar
14. RAIN
17. CANE
18. Liu
19. WIND
In principle, zodiac flower is characteristic of women, but by extension, men can find the descriptions here.
Characteristics are obtained zodiac of flowers on his birthday. What flower are you? Read here, then click (above) the name of a flower to find the description of each.
Sunflower : people born in the days 1, 10, 19, 28
Peony : people born in the days: 2, 11, 20, 29
Shoe-lady : people born in the days: 3, 12, 21, 30
Blue: people born in the days: 4, 13, 22, 31
When Rue identified for the first time the surprising animal, he was swimming in the channel southwest U.S. Calcasieu, in the company of four other dolphins. Erik Rue suspected that one of them was even curious specimen mother, not because he lost no time in care.