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Sunday, July 1, 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Pictures of Kheops Pyramid, Egypt-Part 2
Inside the pyramid is an entry that leads somewhere far away. I have not been allowed to go ahead in the interests of safety, perhaps
Images from inside the pyramid of Kheops - Part 1
I realized some pictures without permission in this Pyramid, subsequently we have seen how the new with the old merges, dirt, traces of civilization .
Miley Cyrus Has a Fabulous Abdomen and Boasts That - Photo Gallery
A few weeks ago Miley Cyrus was spotted by paparazzi in Los Angeles, while leaving the lessons of Pilates and its reaction to the Flash Units took by surprise even photographers.
Easter Island - Mysterious Navel of The Earth
In the South Pacific, 4025 kilometers to the west coast of South America and 4,185 miles from Tahiti, is the isolated strip of land inhabited by humans: a mysterious triangle,
Erotic Dreams and Their Meaning: Learning to Decipher!
Erotic Dreams of you regularly might surprise you with their significance, probably other than you assume. Sometimes erotic charge absurd scenarios that illustrated specific dream fears,
Friday, June 29, 2012
10 Animals Which Did Not Know They are Poisonous
Many creatures that we hear, or imagine that there presents poisonous secretions that can endanger our health or even life. Even if none of them is responsible for a large number of human victims, mere knowledge and .
Nasa Begins Nuclear Experiments on The Moon
Nuclear explosions in the near future could make the moon, where NASA will be able to build a nuclear fission reactor of his future on the Earths natural satellite, announced FoxNews.
Top 10 Most Expensive Films Ever Made
Comedy offers today a review of the film to achieve that American studios have invested hundreds of millions of dollars. In most cases, profit was at least three times.
Automated Business Center Systems
Automated Business Center Systems are charging into the home office and sweeping aside many of the old-fashioned ways of doing business.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Top 10 Most Expensive Films Ever Made
Comedy offers today a review of the film to achieve that American studios have invested hundreds of millions of dollars. In most cases, profit was at least three times.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Alan Jackson Tour Dates 2012 | RedGage
Alan Eugene Jackson (born October 17, 1958) is an American country music singer, known for blending traditional honky tonk and mainstream country sounds and penning many of his own hits.
Aerosmith Tour Dates 2012
Aerosmith is an American rock band, sometimes referred to as The Bad Boys from Boston and Americas Greatest Rock and Roll Band. Their style, which is rooted in blues-based hard rock.
Lil Wayne Tour Dates 2012
Dwayne Michael Carter, Jr. (born September 27, 1982), better known by his stage name Lil Wayne, is an American rapper. At the age of nine, Lil Wayne joined Cash Money Records as the youngest member of the label, and
Friday, June 15, 2012
Rihanna Tour Dates 2012
The Rihanna Festival Tour is a festival concert tour by Barbadian recording artist Rihanna in support of her album Talk That Talk. The tour visited festivals in Europe and Asia.
Taylor Swift Tour Dates 2012
Speak Now World Tour is the second concert tour by American country singer-songwriter, Taylor Swift, in support of her third studio album, Speak Now.
Adele Tour Dates 2012
Adele Live is the second concert tour by English recording artist Adele. Visiting Europe and North America the tour supports her second studio album 21.
Justin Bieber Tour Dates 2012
With his the fourth coming album, Believe, set for release on June 19 2012, Justin Bieber readies his 2012 tour.
Lady Gaga Tour Dates 2012
This Way (2011). The tour will consist of 110 shows in Asia, Australia, and later Europe in August 2012, followed by Latin America towards the end of the year, and then North America beginning in January 2013 and ...
Monday, June 4, 2012
Roxette - Biografie & videoclipuri
Roxette este un grup suedez de muzica pop cu influente rock ai carui membrii sunt Marie Fredriksson si Per Gessle. Duo-ul pop-rock a luat nastere la mijlocul anilor 80, incepand sa aiba succes abia la inceputul anilor 90.
Cost $ 4.800.000 but nobody you can drive! See what made the Aventador Lamborghini! SUPER VIDEO
It cost a fortune but cannot be led. A Lamborghini Aventador so particular that few people can afford him.
PHENOMENAL VIDEO! The hottest car SIDE! You handle 15 cm? See what can u kinizsi it!
Its a side parking headaches for many drivers, but not for a Chinese who entered the Guinness Book of records with the maneuver.
Most WATCHED VIDEO clip 4 seconds in history!
Almost 3.5 million people have seen in just a few days after this movie. Three cheerleaders on the field and a registration of only four seconds.
About Monsters Depths and Mysteries of The Animal
Two days ago, to a scientific meeting held in London on a exciting topic: cryptozoologists that area of knowledge which studies mystery animals, about whose existence we have oral testimony, but not absolutely reliable evidence.
How Dangerous is The New Black Hole Discovered by Nasa?
U.S. space agency said it may have identified the youngest black hole in the universe. Called SN 1979 C, possible black hole is at a distance of about 50 million light years from Earth making it the nearest black hole to Earth ever found.
Golf Equipment: Gearing Up For Golf
Are you interested in perfecting your swing? Do you know what a handicap means in Golf?
The Largest Flower in The World (Pictures) | RedGage
The largest flower in the world is called raffles arnoldo a rare specimen that grows in the forests of Indonesia.
Cameron Diaz, Sexy Swimsuit, at 40 Age (Photos)
Cameron Diaz took some vacation days, as seen on a beach in Hawaii. Hollywood stars look extremely sexy in bikini, although no longer the first youth.
The Largest Flower in The World (Pictures)
The largest flower in the world is called raffles arnoldo a rare specimen that grows in the forests of Indonesia.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
The Pros And Cons Of Using Tanning Beds
Americans have been gifted with pearly-white skin but most of them are not contented with this and so they do all things just so they can have beautifully tanned bodies.
At-Home Treatments for Beauty on a Budget
What would you do if you could achieve the benefits of a professional skin care treatment at home for a fraction of the cost of a visit to the doctor or aesthetician? Cancel your next appointment, of course!
Oprah Winfrey Facebook
Oprah Winfrey is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Oprah Winfrey and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes .
Oprah Winfreys Official Website is the official website for everything in Oprahs world. Find advice on your health, beauty, cooking and recipes, money, decorating, relationships and ...
Incredible Underwater Park (Photo / Video)
See Gruner is perhaps the most unusual parks in the world. Situated in Austria, near the mountain resort Tragoss park receives his visitors in autumn and winter, in a dream.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Cum ? protejezi banii online ? amenin??rile ?online banking ?i comer?ul electronic
Comerţul online şi serviciile bancare ocupă un loc din ce în ce mai important în totalul activităţii desfăşurate online. Cum rata de penetrare a Internetului creşte într-un ritm accelerat, serviciile bancare şi de plăţi devin o ţintă tot mai valoroasă pentru răufăcători.
Top 10: Future Weapons
Despite its claims to the species evolved and superior compared to other living organisms with which it shares the planet, man gave up the idea of war at all.
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How to See How Rising Shot Shows The International Space Station! (Video)
A unique film, made with a camera located on the International Space Station, plays a unique experience that astronauts live several times each day: the see a sunrise of the Sun from space.
International Space Station (ISS) orbits Earth every 91 minutes, so the astronauts on board artificial satellites observed daily sunrise and sunset 16 times!
International Space Station (ISS) orbits Earth every 91 minutes, so the astronauts on board artificial satellites observed daily sunrise and sunset 16 times!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
By The End of The Century, 90% of Earth's Languages ??could Disappear
Many of the world's languages could disappear if measures are taken to protect them, scientists say.
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Tuesday, May 8, 2012
"collective Brain" Helped People to Realize All The Great Inventions
75,000 years ago, people have developed a kind of "super-collective intelligence", which has made significant contributions to technological progress of humanity, says a researcher
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By the end of the century, 90% of Earth's languages ??could disappear
Many of the world's languages could disappear if measures are taken to protect them, scientists say.
Ochii albastri s-au nascut la Marea Neagra
Potrivit unui studiu danez, culoarea deschisa a ochilor se datoreaza unei mutatii survenite in urma cu intre 6.000 si 10.000 de ani intr-o zona situata intre Afghanistan si Marea Neagra.
Culoarea ochilor dezv?luie care sunt afec?iunile de piele de care putem suferi
O vorbă veche spune că „ochii sunt fereastra sufletului”. Acum, un nou studiu sugerează că ochii reprezintă, de asemenea, o „fereastră” ce permite identificarea potenÅ£ialelor afecÅ£iuni ale pielii.
HPV: Human Papilloma Virus
HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus. We know of over 100 strains of HPV and not all give the same symptoms. Papilloma virus is attracted to the squamous epithelium that is found on the skin and mucosal (vaginal, anal, oral).
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Monday, May 7, 2012
Nasa Project: Transformation Urine Into Energy Drink
The crew of the Atlantis, the last U.S. space mission, testing a urine recycling system developed by NASA astronauts are able to turn urine into a tasty energy drink.
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Contest Diablo Three - Win The Ultimate Game of The Year
We know that you and waiting for your eagerly waiting is almost over. There are only days until Diablo three will be released. and invites you to a contest where you can win one of 13 original games Diablo 3 grabs . Of the 13, three are collectors editions, with all Extras added specifically for fans, by the people at Blizzard. and invites you to a contest where you can win one of 13 original games Diablo 3 grabs . Of the 13, three are collectors editions, with all Extras added specifically for fans, by the people at Blizzard.
The contest will run on page go4games Facebook 4 to May 21, 2012. There awaits you a quiz with 5 questions you need to show off your knowledge about Diablo universe. Once completed the quiz, you will be automatically entered in the contest. Quiz can be completed several times but only once a day. Each addition brings a chance for the draw.
Join Now!
Awards competition:
Diablo 3 for PC:
Diablo 3 Collector’s Edition pentru PC:
Competition supported by:
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From: and invites you to a contest where you can win one of 13 original games Diablo 3 grabs . Of the 13, three are collectors editions, with all Extras added specifically for fans, by the people at Blizzard. and invites you to a contest where you can win one of 13 original games Diablo 3 grabs . Of the 13, three are collectors editions, with all Extras added specifically for fans, by the people at Blizzard.
The contest will run on page go4games Facebook 4 to May 21, 2012. There awaits you a quiz with 5 questions you need to show off your knowledge about Diablo universe. Once completed the quiz, you will be automatically entered in the contest. Quiz can be completed several times but only once a day. Each addition brings a chance for the draw.
Join Now!
Awards competition:
Diablo 3 for PC:
Diablo 3 Collector’s Edition pentru PC:
Competition supported by:
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HPV: Virusul Papilloma Uman
Ce este HPV?
HPV este prescurtarea pentru Virusul Papilloma Uman. Se cunosc peste 100 de tulpini de HPV si nu toate dau aceeasi simptomatologie. Virusul papilloma e atras de epiteliul scuamos ce se regaseste la suprafata pielii si a mucoaselor (vaginala, anala, bucala). Aproximativ 60 de tulpini de HPV sunt responsabile de aparitia negilor comuni (papiloame, condiloame) pe suprafata pielii care sunt tumori ne-canceroase. Alte 40 de tipuri adera doar de mucoase unde epiteliul e umed si poarta numele de tulpini anogenitale.
HPV este prescurtarea pentru Virusul Papilloma Uman. Se cunosc peste 100 de tulpini de HPV si nu toate dau aceeasi simptomatologie. Virusul papilloma e atras de epiteliul scuamos ce se regaseste la suprafata pielii si a mucoaselor (vaginala, anala, bucala). Aproximativ 60 de tulpini de HPV sunt responsabile de aparitia negilor comuni (papiloame, condiloame) pe suprafata pielii care sunt tumori ne-canceroase. Alte 40 de tipuri adera doar de mucoase unde epiteliul e umed si poarta numele de tulpini anogenitale.
Abortion Before 18 Years: With or Without Permission?
I 14 (15, 16, 17) years and became pregnant, but I want to do abortion, can learn without mom or dad? is a question that occurs in young minds increasingly often in recent years, unfortunately detrimental to questions like: How does reproduction? What is beyond the penis? How can I protect myself? Etc. etc..
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Accommodation in Bucharest Between May Eight to 11, Uefa Cup
Probably one of the busiest periods of Bucharest, will be between 8-11 May, when conducted at the National Arena UEFA Cup final.
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Accommodation in Bucharest Between May Eight to 11, Uefa Cup
Probably one of the busiest periods of Bucharest, will be between 8-11 May, when conducted at the National Arena UEFA Cup final.
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5 bad habits that destroy your skin
Our skin is very delicate and needs care to look good. It is therefore essential to give up some habits that cause skin problems. Discover what to do if you want a healthy and beautiful skin.
B?uturile energizante reprezint? o ?baie ?acid? pentru din?i, avertizeaz? cercet?torii
Un nou studiu efectuat de cercetătorii americani a ajuns la concluzia că băuturile energizante, mai ales când sunt consumate de adolescenţi, pot provoca daune ireversibile asupra dinţilor.
Criza apei potabile va lovi pana in 2025
Criza apei potabile poate deveni, in urmatoarel decenii, cea mai mare problema cu care omenirea s-a confruntat vreodata, anunta cercetatorii de la International Water Management Institute, citati de publicatia rusa, Pravda.
Cel de al 4-lea lac al lumii a disparut aproape complet
Disparitia aproape totala a Marii Aral din Asia Centrala este „unul dintre cele mai mari si mai socante dezastre care au avut loc vreodata pe Terra”, a sustinut secretarul general al ONU, Ban Ki-moon. Odinioara cel de al 4-lea lac ca marime de pe Pamant, Marea Aral s-a evaporat in proportie de peste 90% in urma programelor dezvoltate de Uniunea Sovietica de a redirectiona apele raurilor si fluviilor ce alimentau marea, catre zonele aride pe care a fost cultivat bumbac.
Gruner See este, poate, cel mai neobisnuit parc al lumii. Situat in Austria, in apropiere de statiunea montana Tragoss, parcul isi primeste vizitatorii, toamna si iarna, intr-un decor de vis. Cei care au avut ocazia sa il viziteze deja pot afirma cu tarie ca este unul dintre cele mai frumoase parcuri montane austriece. Si totusi, Gruner See este cat se poate de neobisnuit. De ce?
După ce au cucerit cerul prin Burj Khalifa, cea mai înaltă clădire de pe Terra, guvernanţii din Dubai au acum planuri mari pentru tărâmul de sub ape. Aceştia pregătesc o nouă premieră mondială: construirea primului hotel subacvatic din lume.
Get Unlimited Traffic From Facebook
Maybe you tried to lift your business through SEO methods, press releases, articles that you introduced in your niche, maybe even a paid advertising campaign pay-per-click such as Google Ad Words.But still you have not thought to capture traffic and grow your marketing your business on Facebook?
BMW E-scooter
The e-Scooter designed by BMW, stands out for its innovative design, it has no mirrors, and is equipped with two cameras by the rear lights that tell the rider about what goes on in the back, through information available on two LCD screens. The BMW e-scooter has a range of 60 miles and a performance equivalent to a convencional motor scooter of 400-500cc. The scooter can be charged in less than three hours through a conventional socket.
Importanta design-ului pe blogul tau
Blogurile au crescut foarte mult in popularitate. Multi oameni au inceput sa creeze blogurile lor personale, sa-si exprime gindurile si sentimentele. Companiile au inceput de asemeni sa se conecteze la internet, si-au construit propriile lor bloguri, de informare a consumatorilor, cu privire la ultimele noutati de produse si servicii.
Capteaza traficul pe blogul tau
Pentru a face bani cu afacerea ta online, aspect care nu se va intimpla peste noapte, va fi nevoie sa depui efort, timp, pentru a lucra cu anumite strategii in vederea atragerii unui numar cit mai mare de vizite pe blogul tau. Acesta este punctul unde cei mai multi care doresc sa cistige bani online se impotmolesc, devin confuzi si nu gasesc solutia pentru a atrage trafic consistent.
Obtine trafic nelimitat din Facebook
Traficul, cu aceast gand porneste fiecare zi in afacerea ta, aceasta este ideea care ne framinta pe toti, pentru a propulsa cit mai sus si a reusi sa vindem produsele noastre.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
The Effects of Flood
Flooding on a planetary scale, which is believed to be at the origin legends of the Flood, subject to new hypotheses proposed by British researchers at the University of Exeter and the Australian University of Wollongong.
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Put Your Skills to Use and Help Others!
All of us have valuable skills that we may not realize because they are so a part of who we are. You can help someone else by offering them your skills as a favor or as a way to make some extra money. You would be amazed at the types of information that people are willing to pay for these days. You can create an e-book and sell it online to those that are interested in a particular skill that you have.
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Put Your Skills to Use and Help Others!
All of us have valuable skills that we may not realize because they are so a part of who we are. You can help someone else by offering them your skills as a favor or as a way to make some extra money. You would be amazed at the types of information that people are willing to pay for these days. You can create an e-book and sell it online to those that are interested in a particular skill that you have.
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Put Your Skills to Use and Help Others!
All of us have valuable skills that we may not realize because they are so a part of who we are. You can help someone else by offering them your skills as a favor or as a way to make some extra money. You would be amazed at the types of information that people are willing to pay for these days. You can create an e-book and sell it online to those that are interested in a particular skill that you have.
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Put Your Skills to Use and Help Others!
All of us have valuable skills that we may not realize because they are so a part of who we are. You can help someone else by offering them your skills as a favor or as a way to make some extra money. You would be amazed at the types of information that people are willing to pay for these days. You can create an e-book and sell it online to those that are interested in a particular skill that you have.
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Put Your Skills to Use and Help Others!
All of us have valuable skills that we may not realize because they are so a part of who we are. You can help someone else by offering them your skills as a favor or as a way to make some extra money. You would be amazed at the types of information that people are willing to pay for these days. You can create an e-book and sell it online to those that are interested in a particular skill that you have.
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Seven Forbes Billionaires Owe Their Wealth Facebook Network
In seven billionaires Forbes found that it owes its wealth of social network Facebook. These data aggregate wealth aa approaching 30 billion dollars, according to Tuesday.
The largest contribution to this amount is provided by co-founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, with 17.5 billion dollars, up by $ 4 billion from last year.
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The largest contribution to this amount is provided by co-founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, with 17.5 billion dollars, up by $ 4 billion from last year.
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Truffles - Black Diamonds
Truffles are part of the world’s most expensive food and season when they come out in the region of southern France – Drome Provence – Search begins fever.
Grignan in Drome town is surrounded by a magical air, is very cozy, but very quiet.The people on the road, in cafes and bakeries to stories and socialize, but this happens outside the range from November to March. When doors are locked well houses, windows and curtains drawn before the inhabitants to leave home at dawn, they looked to be careful lest someone notice.
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Grignan in Drome town is surrounded by a magical air, is very cozy, but very quiet.The people on the road, in cafes and bakeries to stories and socialize, but this happens outside the range from November to March. When doors are locked well houses, windows and curtains drawn before the inhabitants to leave home at dawn, they looked to be careful lest someone notice.
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Facebook Officially Launching an Alternative to Yahoo Messenger - Download From Here NEW Program
Facebook Messenger is an instant messaging program can be installed on PCs running Windows 7
Facebook Announces Its Investors That Might Close
Facebook representatives admitted in a letter to potential investors that a part or the entire social network could be closed.
Facebook Announces Its Investors That Might Close
Facebook representatives admitted in a letter to potential investors that a part or the entire social network could be closed.
Facebook Officially Launching an Alternative to Yahoo Messenger - Download From Here NEW Program
Facebook officially launched on Tuesday, Facebook Messenger desktop application, an equivalent of the popular instant messaging program MSN Messenger.
Provided that a person paid to test the program published on the Internet in December , and Facebook has responded launching it online too, many people were Facebook Messenger already installed on computers.
Provided that a person paid to test the program published on the Internet in December , and Facebook has responded launching it online too, many people were Facebook Messenger already installed on computers.
Want to Play Poker?
One of the all time favorite games over the internet is poker and it more than just another game. There is a strategy that goes behind playing and winning in poker and it is not as easy as you may think. There are different types of poker games available online like Texas Hold’em, Omaha, seven Card Stud, five Card Stud, and one on one poker.
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Four Tried and True Techniques to Create Loyal, Life-long Customers
Let’s be honest… everybody knows that people are in business to make money. Yeah, customer’s know you’ve got our eyes set on making a profit, but they still want to believe that you are in business for more than just their money.
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Saturday, May 5, 2012
The Inscription "Made in Space", Soon on Commercial Labels
European Space Agency plans to launch a promotional campaign that intends to show people the benefits they get from spending their taxes on the International Space Station (ISS).
List of products designed in the research space is large, the viscous-elastic foam to the ear thermometer for measuring temperature, but the financial crisis of recent years makes spending from the budget for space exploration more difficult to justify.
Promotional campaign planned by the European Space Agency shows that space science specialists fear limiting their budgets due to the fact that the public is not aware of this research contribution to economic growth.
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List of products designed in the research space is large, the viscous-elastic foam to the ear thermometer for measuring temperature, but the financial crisis of recent years makes spending from the budget for space exploration more difficult to justify.
Promotional campaign planned by the European Space Agency shows that space science specialists fear limiting their budgets due to the fact that the public is not aware of this research contribution to economic growth.
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10 Extreme Gender Inequality
Human rights of women in many parts of the world are systematically denied and violated, despite the diversity of political systems. Many governments suppress civil society by restricting press freedom, freedom of expression and the formation of organizations. Family law, criminal and citizens of such countries, relegated women to a subordinate status to men. Such discrimination undermines legal person status of women and their equal participation in company decisions, subjecting them to high risk of abuse and violence.
10. Restriction on driving
In Saudi Arabia, women are forbidden to drive vehicles and even bicycles to travel with,
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10. Restriction on driving
In Saudi Arabia, women are forbidden to drive vehicles and even bicycles to travel with,
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Patriarchy - Supported by Technology?
Last centuries were marked by countless theories about the transition from matriarchy to patriarchy and how this change affected the society. Most often, scientists have sought to find an explanation of this development, which is valid for any company.
Therefore, in trying to develop a hypothesis of social evolution, historians have turned to theories of biological evolution, in their time have been rattled.
In 1861, Sir Henry Maine argued, in his “Ancient Law” patriarchal authority that was original and universal way societies function, while the matriarch was an unstable and corrupt form that arose only because the number of women was higher than men. In response to this theory, anthropologist Johann Jakob Bachofen, in “Das Mutterrecht” published the same year, highlighted the idea that, instead, was the matriarch of the initial stage of primitive cultures.
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Therefore, in trying to develop a hypothesis of social evolution, historians have turned to theories of biological evolution, in their time have been rattled.
In 1861, Sir Henry Maine argued, in his “Ancient Law” patriarchal authority that was original and universal way societies function, while the matriarch was an unstable and corrupt form that arose only because the number of women was higher than men. In response to this theory, anthropologist Johann Jakob Bachofen, in “Das Mutterrecht” published the same year, highlighted the idea that, instead, was the matriarch of the initial stage of primitive cultures.
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Patriarhatul ? sus?inut de tehnologie?
Ultimele secole au fost marcate de nenumărate teorii legate de trecerea de la matriarhat la patriarhat şi de felul în care această schimbare a afectat societatea. Cel mai adesea, specialiştii au căutat să găsească o explicaţie a acestei evoluţii, care să fie valabilă pentru orice societate.
Prin urmare, în încercarea lor de a elabora o ipoteză a evoluţiei sociale, istoricii au pornit de la teoriile evoluţiei biologice care, la vremea lor au făcut vâlvă.
Prin urmare, în încercarea lor de a elabora o ipoteză a evoluţiei sociale, istoricii au pornit de la teoriile evoluţiei biologice care, la vremea lor au făcut vâlvă.
Spectaculos: aurora austral? a fost surprins? de pe Sta?ia Spa?ial? Interna?ional? (FOTO)
Un astronaut, membru al echipajului de pe Staţia Spaţială Internaţională, a surprins o imagine spectaculoasă cu aurora australă.
Acest tip de lumină se formează atunci când particule de vânt solar, atrase de câmpul magnetic al Pământului, interacţionează cu gazele atmosferice aflate în apropierea polilor.
Acest tip de lumină se formează atunci când particule de vânt solar, atrase de câmpul magnetic al Pământului, interacţionează cu gazele atmosferice aflate în apropierea polilor.
Vezi cum arat? r?s?ritul filmat de pe Sta?ia Spa?ial? Interna?ional?! (VIDEO)
O filmare inedită, realizată cu o cameră video amplasată pe Staţia Spaţială Internaţională, redă experienţa unică pe care astronauţii o trăiesc de mai multe ori în fiecare zi: cea de a vedea un răsărit al Soarelui din spaţiu.
Staţia Spaţială Internaţională (SSI) orbitează Terra la fiecare 91 de minute, astfel că astronauţii aflaţi la bordul satelitului artificial observă în fiecare zi răsăritul şi apusul soarelui de 16 ori!
Staţia Spaţială Internaţională (SSI) orbitează Terra la fiecare 91 de minute, astfel că astronauţii aflaţi la bordul satelitului artificial observă în fiecare zi răsăritul şi apusul soarelui de 16 ori!
How Dangerous is The New Black Hole Discovered by Nasa?
U.S. space agency said it may have identified the youngest black hole in the universe. Called SN 1979 C, possible black hole is at a distance of about 50 million light years from Earth – making it the nearest black hole to Earth ever found. How dangerous is it?
NASA announcement surprised the scientific community: although U.S. researchers have not yet demonstrated that SN 1979 C is a black hole, the youngest ever seen – 30 years – and the closest to Earth , it is most likely hypothesis they have at hand.
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NASA announcement surprised the scientific community: although U.S. researchers have not yet demonstrated that SN 1979 C is a black hole, the youngest ever seen – 30 years – and the closest to Earth , it is most likely hypothesis they have at hand.
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Cat de periculoasa este noua gaura neagra descoperita de NASA?
Agentia spatiala americana a anuntat ca este posibil sa fi identificat cea mai tanara gaura neagra din Univers. Denumita SN 1979 C, posibila gaura neagra se afla la o distanta de aproximativ 50 de milioane de ani lumina fata de Terra – ceea ce o face cea mai apropiata gaura neagra fata de Pamant descoperita pana in prezent. Cat de periculoasa este ea?
Anuntul NASA a luat prin surprindere comunitatea stiintifica: desi cercetatorii americani inca nu au demonstrat ca SN 1979 C este o gaura neagra, cea mai tanara observata pana acum - 30 de ani - si cea mai apropiata de Terra; aceasta este cea mai probabila ipoteza pe care o au la indemana. In eventualitatea in care observatiile astronomice viitoare vor demonstra ca supernova 1979 C este cu adevarat o gaura neagra, apare intrebare ce pericole prezinta acest obiect astronomic pentru Pamant.
Anuntul NASA a luat prin surprindere comunitatea stiintifica: desi cercetatorii americani inca nu au demonstrat ca SN 1979 C este o gaura neagra, cea mai tanara observata pana acum - 30 de ani - si cea mai apropiata de Terra; aceasta este cea mai probabila ipoteza pe care o au la indemana. In eventualitatea in care observatiile astronomice viitoare vor demonstra ca supernova 1979 C este cu adevarat o gaura neagra, apare intrebare ce pericole prezinta acest obiect astronomic pentru Pamant.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Next iPhone Comes with 4.6-inch Screen Retina Display?
Component suppliers for Apple products seem to have the new work, the target this time is a new model of gamma iPhone smartphone.
If still unconfirmed information is correct, the screen controlled by Apple reaches record size range of iPhones – 4.6 inches. List of suppliers selected for the new screens probably include names like Samsung and LG, both companies are preferred by Apple in the past.
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If still unconfirmed information is correct, the screen controlled by Apple reaches record size range of iPhones – 4.6 inches. List of suppliers selected for the new screens probably include names like Samsung and LG, both companies are preferred by Apple in the past.
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Descopera povestea lui Aimee Mullins. Lipsa picioarelor n-a impiedicat-o sa devina sportiva olimpica, fotomodel si actrita.
Ambele picioare i-au fost amputate de la genunchi in jos cand avea doar 1 an. Putea sa ramana o persoana cu dizabilitati, dar Aimee a ales sa sfideze toate conventiile.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
House of Straw Fire Resistant
We want a safe house or at least one fire resistant? You should definitely see this home eco invented by an Australian: exclusive built of straw and is extremely resistant to fire.
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Casa din paie anti-incendiu
Va doriti o casa sigura sau cel putin una rezistenta la incendii? Atunci trebuie neaparat sa vedeti aceasta locuinta eco inventata de un australian: este construita exlusiv din paie si e extrem de rezistenta la foc.
Un studiu canadian demonstrează că vinul scade riscul de a dezvolta cancerul la sân în cazul femeilor cu o mutaţie genetică, dar creşte riscul în cazul în care acestea prezintă altă mutaţie genetică.
British scientists are developing a blood test that could identify women at increased risk of developing breast cancer decades before the illness becomes manifest.
Un nou sondaj efectuat la nivel mondial arată că aproape 15% din oamenii din întreaga lume cred că apocalipsa va avea loc de-a lungul vieţii lor, iar 10% cred că acest eveniment cataclismic va avea loc chiar în acest an, lucru prevăzut de calendarul mayaş.
Abba a fost o formaţie suedeză de muzică pop activă din 1972 până în 1982. Cvartetul era format din muzicienii Benny Andersson şi Björn Ulvaeus, cărora li s-au alăturat cele 2 prietene ale acestora, Anni-Frid Lyngstad şi Agnetha Fältskog. Cei patru au dominat clasamentele muzicale mondiale între mijlocul anilor 1970 şi începutul anilor 1980. Titulatura formaţiei este un acronim, provenind de la iniţialele prenumelor celor patru protagonişti.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Vremurile cand oamenii tremurau in adaposturile lor de frica pradatorilor periculosi sunt de mult apuse. Astazi omul a ajuns specia dominanta pe aceasta planeta. Cu toate acestea exista inca unele vietuitoare care se incapataneaza sa ne arate ca in unele conditii nu este chiar asa. Chiar daca pentru majoritatea oamenilor intalnirile cu astfel de animale periculoase sunt putin probabile, capacitatea acestora de a face mii de victime nu trebuie deloc subestimata!
Multe vietati de care nu am auzit, sau nu ne inchipuiam ca exista, prezinta secretii veninoase care ne pot periclita sanatatea sau chiar viata. Chiar daca nici una dintre ele nu este responsabila de un numar mare de victime omenesti, simpla lor cunoastere si evitare este un act intelept prin care ne protejam sanatatea si integritatea corporala.
Da, iata ca pana si omizile pot fi mortale. Lonomia obliqa este la fel de fragila ca orice alta omida, dar acest lucru nu o impiedica sa provoace severe hemoragii interne si chiar sa ucida oameni doar prin atingere.
Teribilele creaturi taratoare traiesc in padurile tropicale din America de Sud si provoaca un mic numar de morti in fiecare an, mai ales in sudul Braziliei, acolo unde se gasesc adesea pe scoarta copacilor. Integrandu-se perfect mediului inconjurator, omizile Lonomia cu greu pot fi evitate, chiar si atunci cand oamenii incearca sa se fereasca de ele.
Teribilele creaturi taratoare traiesc in padurile tropicale din America de Sud si provoaca un mic numar de morti in fiecare an, mai ales in sudul Braziliei, acolo unde se gasesc adesea pe scoarta copacilor. Integrandu-se perfect mediului inconjurator, omizile Lonomia cu greu pot fi evitate, chiar si atunci cand oamenii incearca sa se fereasca de ele.
O adevărată invazie de omizi păroase a provocat numeroase cazuri de astm cetăţenilor britanici, iar autorităţile de la Londra se tem că situaţia poate deveni atât de serioasă, încât poate pune în pericol chiar desfăşurarea ediţiei Jocurilor Olimpice din această vară.
Omida procesionară a stejarului, larva speciei de fluture Thaumetopoea processionea, prezintă un grad ridicat de toxicitate dat de perii săi lungi şi iritanţi. O sigură omidă din această specie are circa 63.000 de peri iritanţi care pot provoca oamenilor atacuri de astm severe.
Omida procesionară a stejarului, larva speciei de fluture Thaumetopoea processionea, prezintă un grad ridicat de toxicitate dat de perii săi lungi şi iritanţi. O sigură omidă din această specie are circa 63.000 de peri iritanţi care pot provoca oamenilor atacuri de astm severe.
Skylon Aircraft: The Earth Around in Four h (Video)
In the near future travel would be revolutionized thanks to a new aircraft and a new engine. The latest statements by the aircraft will travel to any point on the globe in more than four hours. Tests for checking new engine will propel the aircraft in space have already begun.
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Alphaville - Biography & Videos
Alphaville was born in early 1982, when Marian Gold and Bernhard Lloyd met in " Nelson Comunity ". At first band was called" Forever Young ". few months later they were joined by Frank Mertens. Together they wrote the song " Forever Young "and recorded their first demo with the same name.
In 1984, they changed its name to Alphaville and released their debut single ” Big In Japan “, which Gold had written in 1979 after listening to the band’s Holly Johnson , ” Big in Japan “. In the autumn of that year they released their first album ” Forever Young . “ Despite the success you have had, Frank Mertens left the band in that year and was replaced in January 1985 Rickz Echolette .“
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In 1984, they changed its name to Alphaville and released their debut single ” Big In Japan “, which Gold had written in 1979 after listening to the band’s Holly Johnson , ” Big in Japan “. In the autumn of that year they released their first album ” Forever Young . “ Despite the success you have had, Frank Mertens left the band in that year and was replaced in January 1985 Rickz Echolette .“
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Ac / Dc - Biography & Videos
AC / DC became one of the most influential bands rock of years 70. In its way it was a reaction to art rock “s pompous in the early “70s. Fundamentals of AC / DC have been made in 1973 in Australia by Malcolm Young after his band, The Velvet Underground fell apart.
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U2 - Biography & Videos
U2 band music deeply “80s, bringing to the fore a new life and changing their style from album to album. The four boys have adopted a non-conformist style, addressing topics songs whose text attack more or less taboo at that time, rooted in the Bible and to advocate for an end to violence in Ireland and Northern Ireland, as well as those worldwide. In the foreground out of Bono”s charismatic figure, who emerged as leader since their first meeting and also the creator of lyrics which mentioned a little higher.
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Depeche Mode - Biography & Live Concerts
In the late ’70s, the town of Basildon in the UK (Essex province) to form a small band, Composition of Sound, consists of three teenagers: Martin Lee Gore, Andrew Fletcher and Vince Clarke.
David GahanBirthday: May 9, 1962 Place of Birth: Epping Eyes: Green / Brown Height: 1.80 m
Hobbies: Movies, clubs, dine with friends Previous Jobs: construction workers, storeman, salesman refreshmentsPrevious group: None Favorite Cities: Rome & Los Angeles (equally) preferred Countries: Italy & USA West Coast Food: Thai & Italian Favorite drink: Vodka, red or white French winefavorite sport: Ice Hockey Favorite Colors: Black, purple and pale green Favorite movie: Pulp Fiction Favorite book: NoneFavorite TV show: Vanessa Warick Sunday Night Show on MTV series The Simpsons favorite radio station: The classic rock of the U.S. magazine favorite: Q-Magazine favorite song: 3 Days and Nothing Shocking / Jane’s Addiction song DM favorite: I Feel You favorite album: First Album / Led Zeppelin & Nothing Shocking / Jane’s Addiction favorite DM album: Ultra video favorite DM: Walking In My Shoesfavorite band: Led Zeppelin Rolling Stones & Hates: to travel by air, customs, airports
Born in the town of Epping on May 9, 1962, Depeche Mode singer David Gahan, is rising strongly religious family. His mother’s side were part of the Salvation Army but he rejected this idea from the beginning. Gahan’s childhood he liked more than to ride a bike with friends than go to church with his mother. Dave was only five years when his family fell apart: his father left home and never heard nimc about it.
Young, then, David Gahan tried to compensate for the lack of father as he understood better: becoming what he described later as “a real rebel.”
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David GahanBirthday: May 9, 1962 Place of Birth: Epping Eyes: Green / Brown Height: 1.80 m
Hobbies: Movies, clubs, dine with friends Previous Jobs: construction workers, storeman, salesman refreshmentsPrevious group: None Favorite Cities: Rome & Los Angeles (equally) preferred Countries: Italy & USA West Coast Food: Thai & Italian Favorite drink: Vodka, red or white French winefavorite sport: Ice Hockey Favorite Colors: Black, purple and pale green Favorite movie: Pulp Fiction Favorite book: NoneFavorite TV show: Vanessa Warick Sunday Night Show on MTV series The Simpsons favorite radio station: The classic rock of the U.S. magazine favorite: Q-Magazine favorite song: 3 Days and Nothing Shocking / Jane’s Addiction song DM favorite: I Feel You favorite album: First Album / Led Zeppelin & Nothing Shocking / Jane’s Addiction favorite DM album: Ultra video favorite DM: Walking In My Shoesfavorite band: Led Zeppelin Rolling Stones & Hates: to travel by air, customs, airports
Born in the town of Epping on May 9, 1962, Depeche Mode singer David Gahan, is rising strongly religious family. His mother’s side were part of the Salvation Army but he rejected this idea from the beginning. Gahan’s childhood he liked more than to ride a bike with friends than go to church with his mother. Dave was only five years when his family fell apart: his father left home and never heard nimc about it.
Young, then, David Gahan tried to compensate for the lack of father as he understood better: becoming what he described later as “a real rebel.”
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Sunday, April 29, 2012
Six Tips for a Perfect Cv
An employer spends about 20 seconds to scan a resume. So, the theory of "less is more" applies perfectly when you work at it. Review your resume and give her a new, more attractive and more schematic. This will draw the attention of your employer and guarantee an interview.
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Hollywood: Five Stars Accused of Theft. See Who are The Criminals!
Are not perfect and often not a role model. Despite wealth that boasts impressive, celebrities have been caught breaking the false and accused of theft. Here are five of Hollywood criminals.
Chris Brown
It is the first infringement. Recently, the singer was accused of having hit his former girlfriend, Rihanna, and a few days ago a woman in Florida said the star of stealing his mobile phone. Incidentally, instead of shrieking, under so-called victims, before a club in Miami last Sunday. If it is pr-oven, the offense would be classified as “theft by plucking,” the police report. Christal Spann said that the saw the Brown and rapper Tyga coming from a club and got into a car.This came to take a picture of Chris Brown and he pulled down the window and the phone. The singer was not arrested or indicted so far, but the police say that prosecutors prepare an arrest warrant.
Winona Ryder
Winona is one of the most famous kleptomaniac. Not once it was caught stealing from shops: cosmetics, clothing, jewelry, anything can be stuffed into bags and removed easily from the store. But the actress has managed to escape each time with warnings or community service.
Megan Fox
Who would have thought that even the beautiful Megan has record? Well, the actress was caught stealing when he was a naive teenager. At only 15 years, Megan Fox was charged with theft of a famous supermarket, Wal-Mart. Since then, the star has not set foot there. ”I do not know if the ban I received a life then, but we have not entered the Wal-Mart when I was caught and convicted of theft. I went to court and I had to choose between two sentences and I chose to wrap gifts for Christmas. other option would be to port an ad that said that I stole from Wal-Mart and sit for three days in the shop, “says Megan.
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Chris Brown
It is the first infringement. Recently, the singer was accused of having hit his former girlfriend, Rihanna, and a few days ago a woman in Florida said the star of stealing his mobile phone. Incidentally, instead of shrieking, under so-called victims, before a club in Miami last Sunday. If it is pr-oven, the offense would be classified as “theft by plucking,” the police report. Christal Spann said that the saw the Brown and rapper Tyga coming from a club and got into a car.This came to take a picture of Chris Brown and he pulled down the window and the phone. The singer was not arrested or indicted so far, but the police say that prosecutors prepare an arrest warrant.
Winona Ryder
Winona is one of the most famous kleptomaniac. Not once it was caught stealing from shops: cosmetics, clothing, jewelry, anything can be stuffed into bags and removed easily from the store. But the actress has managed to escape each time with warnings or community service.
Megan Fox
Who would have thought that even the beautiful Megan has record? Well, the actress was caught stealing when he was a naive teenager. At only 15 years, Megan Fox was charged with theft of a famous supermarket, Wal-Mart. Since then, the star has not set foot there. ”I do not know if the ban I received a life then, but we have not entered the Wal-Mart when I was caught and convicted of theft. I went to court and I had to choose between two sentences and I chose to wrap gifts for Christmas. other option would be to port an ad that said that I stole from Wal-Mart and sit for three days in the shop, “says Megan.
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Chrysler Celebrates Dragon Year Two Special Concepts for Beijing
Chrysler Celebrates Dragon Year Two Special Concepts for Beijing
Chrysler bringing two special concepts in Beijing to mark the return of the Chinese market. U.S. manufacturer made two design studies based on a Chrysler 300C and a Jeep Wrangler inspired by Year of the Dragon. Company officials say U.S. special editions of both of those models projected for the China market. The two concepts presented only under dark teasers will be exhibited at the Beijing Auto Show, an exhibition which will open its doors on April 23, 2012.
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Chrysler will bring the two concepts at auto show in Beijing based on the 300C and the Jeep Wrangler. They are decorated with images of dragons that anticipates future special edition for the Chinese market.

Chrysler 300C received a specially patterned leather upholstery, a different front grille and a set of larger alloy wheels. Jeep Wrangler also got a grilp changed to a bonnet decorated with a dragon and a set of interior trim with dragons. Chrysler Corporation will present and Fiat sedan Viaggio Beijing Auto Show. That sedan is built in China under a joint venture partnership with Guangzhou Automobile Group. Viaggio Fiat shares platform with the Dodge Dart, brother of U.S. Alfa Romeo Giulietta.
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Saturday, April 28, 2012
Astrology: How Spicy Sex Like Men of Each Sign
All men should try some spicy sex occasionally, even inhibitory Capricorn. Not to mention the passion Scorpio or Sagittarius libertine.
Any sexual piquancy and you give, be sure that your Aries will accept. Not refuse any challenge, any adventure, be it sexual. If you do not regularly give news, his interest disappears. And to know that sex life is of utmost importance for him. If not satisfied in bed, you will quickly find a replacement. So surprise him with new positions, with exotic techniques, sex toys and anything you go through your mind.
Taurus loves women arranged, beautiful, elegant. Surprise him with a special intimate hair, in a surprising way, funny. And do not forget to announce in advance that they prepare it. I thought that you “arrange” the particularly intimate for him to excite him immediately and thought will not give peace all day. Be sure to catch him always sexual novelty that gets bored quickly.
Gemini needs change constantly because he is like shifting and versatile personality he likes women. So the best idea is to always surprise him with some sexy costumes, which allow you all kinds of games. Today you sexy nurse, tomorrow you’re a naughty schoolgirl. Sure, it will seem funny at first, but you will see that he always loves to play another role.
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Any sexual piquancy and you give, be sure that your Aries will accept. Not refuse any challenge, any adventure, be it sexual. If you do not regularly give news, his interest disappears. And to know that sex life is of utmost importance for him. If not satisfied in bed, you will quickly find a replacement. So surprise him with new positions, with exotic techniques, sex toys and anything you go through your mind.
Taurus loves women arranged, beautiful, elegant. Surprise him with a special intimate hair, in a surprising way, funny. And do not forget to announce in advance that they prepare it. I thought that you “arrange” the particularly intimate for him to excite him immediately and thought will not give peace all day. Be sure to catch him always sexual novelty that gets bored quickly.
Gemini needs change constantly because he is like shifting and versatile personality he likes women. So the best idea is to always surprise him with some sexy costumes, which allow you all kinds of games. Today you sexy nurse, tomorrow you’re a naughty schoolgirl. Sure, it will seem funny at first, but you will see that he always loves to play another role.
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Gas Grills - Safety and Maintenance
How do I prepare my grill for spring?
Be sure to clean spider webs out of the venturi tubes as described below.
You may open your grill in the spring and fine remnants of the meal you cooked on it last season. Don’t worry. According to, cleaning the grill is actually easier than most people realize, and you can usually forego the brushes, dirty sink and elbow grease if you start the day before you need the grill. However, use the following method only after checking with your owner’s manual. Some manufacturers warn against using oven cleaner on any part of their grill.
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Be sure to clean spider webs out of the venturi tubes as described below.
You may open your grill in the spring and fine remnants of the meal you cooked on it last season. Don’t worry. According to, cleaning the grill is actually easier than most people realize, and you can usually forego the brushes, dirty sink and elbow grease if you start the day before you need the grill. However, use the following method only after checking with your owner’s manual. Some manufacturers warn against using oven cleaner on any part of their grill.
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Holidays Eccentric Billionaire
Despite recession, the rich world holidays are often associated with places seem to emerge from the "thousand and one nights" and yet, in recent years, many international miliadarii seem to have tired to spend holidays in previzibilele fashionable destinations, choosing to offbeat places and isolated resorts. According to a report recently published "bible of capitalism", Forbes, are missing from the list of super-wealthy eccentrics in terms of tourism, those who "leave" is dedicated to a spiritual quest, or those who venture into wild places and uncontaminated. So if you have all the money in the world where you spend your vacation?
Meditation on Facebook
The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, 25 years old, is one of those billionaires who enjoy relaxing in Eastern spirituality places. In January, he spent one week in Pune, in India, where he visited the splendid resort “Osho International Meditation” to practice yoga and meditation . Zuckerberg, a student of combining business and leisure, is in India to attend the wedding of a friend, and posted on his Facebook page a picture meant to capture the experience.
Literacy in Croatia
When it comes to tourism, the passion of Bill Gates are cultural holidays . At age 55, founder of Microsoft and the richest man in the world and spent the last holiday to Skradin, a small town in Croatia , with 3,800 inhabitants.Gates clan arrived here aboard a mega-yacht, personal property, “disembarking” leisurely visit to the historic center, where there is a thirteenth-century fortress, and National Park Krka.
Philosophy after Spielberg
And Steven Spielberg seems to prefer to run away from Hollywood regularly and take refuge in places full of history.Last year, his wife, actress Kate Caps-haw, visited the Celtic regions of Ireland. Accompanied by a group of Irish writers and philosophers, and starring as a guide poet David Withe, Spielberg wives have walked through the Burr en region, and They stayed in the small village of Ballyvaughan and have spent hours discussing philosophy with those of the environment and visiting nearby prehistoric dolmens.
Nowhere like home
Texan billionaire Kelcy Warren prefer to spend holidays away from trendy places. Therefore, in April this year he purchased (the “modest” figure of 46 million dollars) Boot Jack Ranch, a huge ranch in Colorado . Property of all you need to relax: villa, surrounded by six lakes, and still has a swimming pool of Olympic dimensions, and the library, fitness room and a cellar with over 1,500 bottles of wine collection.
But others prefer adventure, and as little time off, fly to Africa to enjoy natural landscapes . Financier Paul Tudor Jones is the case II, owner of a farm in Zimbabwe , where he relaxes fishing and hunting. One technology magnates, Tom Sibel, last year opted for a long safari in national park Serengeti, one of the most important protected areas in eastern Africa.
One that, although love uncontaminated nature, can not however give the exotic beaches, the Russian billionaireRoman Abramovich, owner of Chelsea football team. Abramovich spends much of vacations in Costa Rica,where wildlife can both enjoy, and take advantage of the spectacular beaches of the South American country.
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Meditation on Facebook
The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, 25 years old, is one of those billionaires who enjoy relaxing in Eastern spirituality places. In January, he spent one week in Pune, in India, where he visited the splendid resort “Osho International Meditation” to practice yoga and meditation . Zuckerberg, a student of combining business and leisure, is in India to attend the wedding of a friend, and posted on his Facebook page a picture meant to capture the experience.
Literacy in Croatia
When it comes to tourism, the passion of Bill Gates are cultural holidays . At age 55, founder of Microsoft and the richest man in the world and spent the last holiday to Skradin, a small town in Croatia , with 3,800 inhabitants.Gates clan arrived here aboard a mega-yacht, personal property, “disembarking” leisurely visit to the historic center, where there is a thirteenth-century fortress, and National Park Krka.
Philosophy after Spielberg
And Steven Spielberg seems to prefer to run away from Hollywood regularly and take refuge in places full of history.Last year, his wife, actress Kate Caps-haw, visited the Celtic regions of Ireland. Accompanied by a group of Irish writers and philosophers, and starring as a guide poet David Withe, Spielberg wives have walked through the Burr en region, and They stayed in the small village of Ballyvaughan and have spent hours discussing philosophy with those of the environment and visiting nearby prehistoric dolmens.
Nowhere like home
Texan billionaire Kelcy Warren prefer to spend holidays away from trendy places. Therefore, in April this year he purchased (the “modest” figure of 46 million dollars) Boot Jack Ranch, a huge ranch in Colorado . Property of all you need to relax: villa, surrounded by six lakes, and still has a swimming pool of Olympic dimensions, and the library, fitness room and a cellar with over 1,500 bottles of wine collection.
But others prefer adventure, and as little time off, fly to Africa to enjoy natural landscapes . Financier Paul Tudor Jones is the case II, owner of a farm in Zimbabwe , where he relaxes fishing and hunting. One technology magnates, Tom Sibel, last year opted for a long safari in national park Serengeti, one of the most important protected areas in eastern Africa.
One that, although love uncontaminated nature, can not however give the exotic beaches, the Russian billionaireRoman Abramovich, owner of Chelsea football team. Abramovich spends much of vacations in Costa Rica,where wildlife can both enjoy, and take advantage of the spectacular beaches of the South American country.
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Friday, April 27, 2012
Jamaica - Reggae Rhythms Vacation
For many of us, the Caribbean is a distant dream, a paradise where only the lucky ones can get to enjoy some of the most beautiful beaches in the world of reggae music, a symbol of these places, idyllic sunsets, the cocktails exotic and boat rides in the open ocean. It may be the place where all we dreamed to get once in your life with your loved ones to taste a glimpse of heaven. Can and will succeed to, at least partially, this dream, we invite today to a virtual journey through the wonders of the largest and most popular islands in the Caribbean archipelago … Jamaica, home of Bob Marley unrivaled.
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Seychelles - The Vacancy Dream Worlds End
Have you ever wanted to travel to an exotic place, where, basically, do not you simply sunbathe on the beach, to enjoy fresh fruit cocktails, was caught after heart desire unpolluted waters of the ocean, left to admire a nature intact after thousands of years of existence, to visit buildings in colonial style and capture the sunrise, under palm trees on a snow-white sand, with your half? Well, Seychelles is a place that fits all these desires and more … Is where more than half of the country is a nature reserve, where you thought luxury accessible only to the extremely wealthy is to reach everyone in the culinary traditions of Africa, Europe and Asia meet in Saudi a unique blend and the history of pirates, corsairs and ancient explorers found a complex of islands like a dream …
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Aurora mysteries finally elucidated
U.S. Mission Themis satellites were registered directly a violent explosion that lit the night sky magnetic Arctic.
"I discovered aurora borealis mystery", said in a NASA physicist Vassilis Angelopoulos report, the chief scientific officer of Themis mission.
"I discovered aurora borealis mystery", said in a NASA physicist Vassilis Angelopoulos report, the chief scientific officer of Themis mission.
High Definition Tuners
High definition TV tuners or HDTV tuners are designed to receive high definition programs by connecting to an external antenna.
HDTV tuners will not only show movies and DVD's at high definition, but will improve the viewing of normal TV. It is because of the improved definition or color and picture quality of DVD's and programs that make HDTV tuners very popular with viewers.
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HDTV tuners will not only show movies and DVD's at high definition, but will improve the viewing of normal TV. It is because of the improved definition or color and picture quality of DVD's and programs that make HDTV tuners very popular with viewers.
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"collective Brain" Helped People to Realize All The Great Inventions
75,000 years ago, people have developed a kind of "super-collective intelligence", which has made significant contributions to technological progress of humanity, says a researcher.
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Thursday, April 26, 2012
Fabulous Creatures of The Volcano
A rat the size of a dog, a fish that grunt and fanged frogs: hair creature emerged from a science fiction film, but were discovered in the crater of a volcano "lost" in a forest in Papua New Guinea.
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Logan No Longer Manufactured After Eight Years of History. Here's What Will be Replaced by Dacia
Management plant in Pitesti separates the most successful Romanian car the last eight years and already preparing for Logan two production lines.
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12 Firefox Download
Overall, Firefox 12 is a minor update to Mozilla Web browser, limited improvements “under the hood”, but without a major impact on the functionality offered.
Cuba Wild
Looking carefully at a map of the Caribbean Sea, easily see how long and narrow island of Cuba Great blue waters separating them from the North Atlantic Ocean and the north-west, the Gulf of Mexico. The 1250 km long and 100 km of the average width of the elongated island is surrounded by thousands of patches of land, together forming archipelagoes Colorada, Sabana, Camaguey, Jardines Canarreos and from Reina, with a total area of 110,922 km square of land Cuban. Mountains and palm trees, wonderful beaches and reefs, cane and tobacco - all kept Cuba in an aura of wild romantic sunset in t
Extraordinary: A Robot-controlled Avatar Can be Thought From a Distance of 100 Km! (Video)
A team of scientists from Switzerland showed how a paralyzed person can control a robot with only the power of thought. Successful research is considered a first step towards a future in which those assets in the cart with wheels can interact with the environment through so-called "avatars".
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Extraordinary: A Robot-controlled Avatar Can be Thought From a Distance of 100 Km! (Video)
A team of scientists from Switzerland showed how a paralyzed person can control a robot with only the power of thought. Successful research is considered a first step towards a future in which those assets in the cart with wheels can interact with the environment through so-called "avatars".
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Bryce Canyon - Perhaps The Most Beautiful Canyon of The Earth
Positioned in the form of an amphitheater, canyon crossed by thousands of rocks, natural arches and trees, and today is considered a natural wonder of the world.
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Eight Signs of a Diabetes Symptom
If you have two or more of these pre-diabetes symptoms you should seriously consider getting yourself checked out:
1) If you find you are excessively thirsty, not just after extreme exercise or hot weather.
2) You seem to constantly have a dry mouth – even if you’ve just had a drink.
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1) If you find you are excessively thirsty, not just after extreme exercise or hot weather.
2) You seem to constantly have a dry mouth – even if you’ve just had a drink.
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War in The Bedroom
The bedroom is one of the most "hot" places for a couple, because most fights take place there, about 167 per year. And, says a new study, blanket the two have to share is why the most frequent arguments.
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Top 10 Most Expensive Films Ever Made
Comedy offers today a review of the film to achieve that American studios have invested hundreds of millions of dollars. In most cases, profit was at least three times. Keywords that describe these movies are "action", "adventure", "exemplary heroes", "special effects".
Let’s see what are the most expensive movies ever made.
Superman Returns (2006)
Estimated budget: 232 million dollars
Superman Returns was a reasonable profit, if we think that the receipts amounted to 390 million dollars worldwide. However, Warner was expected more. As a possible consequence of this, director Bryan Singer he was not given another movie X-Men trilogy to end once directed two films …
Avatar (2009)
Estimated budget: 237 million dollars
Avatar had total revenue of over $ 2.8 billion worldwide, which turned the film with the highest grossing in the history of Hollywood, people write to Total Film .
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
Expected Budget: $ 250 million
The collected 934 million should not surprise anyone at how popular the series was and is. Even if it was the coolest part, Half-Blood Prince has not disappointed at all in terms of action.
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
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Let’s see what are the most expensive movies ever made.
Superman Returns (2006)
Estimated budget: 232 million dollars
Superman Returns was a reasonable profit, if we think that the receipts amounted to 390 million dollars worldwide. However, Warner was expected more. As a possible consequence of this, director Bryan Singer he was not given another movie X-Men trilogy to end once directed two films …
Avatar (2009)
Estimated budget: 237 million dollars
Avatar had total revenue of over $ 2.8 billion worldwide, which turned the film with the highest grossing in the history of Hollywood, people write to Total Film .
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
Expected Budget: $ 250 million
The collected 934 million should not surprise anyone at how popular the series was and is. Even if it was the coolest part, Half-Blood Prince has not disappointed at all in terms of action.
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
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So, You Really Don’t Know What to Write About? | Writinghood
So, You Really Don’t Know What to Write About? | Writinghood
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Top Celebrities Who Have Broken Lips Plastic Surgery - Photo
Angelina Jolie has become a standard of beauty, thanks to his lips and the lips acquire operation by volume and size of your dreams have become commonplace. They give sensuality, but often not quite the desired result. The road back is long and difficult, and return the original lips is often impossible.
Here are five top international stars who have broken lips.
1. Lara Flynn Boyle , star of Twin Peaks was one of the most beautiful actresses of her generation. Today, 42 years, numerous surgeries and left their mark on her face and turned her into a frightening appearance. Lips are definitely hit CEEL. Doctors remained mute with astonishment – there are only 10 women it’s worldwide! Find out what makes it so special According to specialists in aesthetic surgery, she has had a rhinoplasty, a lip augmentation surgery, Botox injections and possibly a face lift and a lifting of the eyebrows.
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Here are five top international stars who have broken lips.
1. Lara Flynn Boyle , star of Twin Peaks was one of the most beautiful actresses of her generation. Today, 42 years, numerous surgeries and left their mark on her face and turned her into a frightening appearance. Lips are definitely hit CEEL. Doctors remained mute with astonishment – there are only 10 women it’s worldwide! Find out what makes it so special According to specialists in aesthetic surgery, she has had a rhinoplasty, a lip augmentation surgery, Botox injections and possibly a face lift and a lifting of the eyebrows.
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Miley Cyrus Has a Fabulous Abdomen and Boasts That - Photo Gallery
A few weeks ago Miley Cyrus was spotted by paparazzi in Los Angeles, while leaving the lessons of Pilates and its reaction to the Flash Units took by surprise even photographers.
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What Does Your Sex Life on Your Health
A satisfying sex life is a source of comfort and happiness, and this can take a toll on the body, but also on mental state. There are some situations when sex can become a problem, and pleasure can turn into pain and discomfort.
When you encounter such problems do not try to blame your partner. Better observe your body signals that it transmits.
Avoid sex because it is painful
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When you encounter such problems do not try to blame your partner. Better observe your body signals that it transmits.
Avoid sex because it is painful
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Colosseum - Great Amphitheater
Nearly 2,000 years after its construction, the Colosseum was elected as modern wonder of the world, with Machu Picchu, Taj Mahal, Petra, the Great Wall, Chichen Itza and Jesus Statue in Rio de Janeiro. The greatest amphitheater of antiquity and ruin times stood in the crowded center of Rome, the hills shelter Esquilin, Palatine and Caelian. Without it, the once mighty imperial city would be hard to imagine: the architectural splendor of the Colosseum testified to Roman builders and sophisticated genius of a people cruel conqueror.
Colosseum story can be heard in numerous documentaries, read history books, encyclopedias viewed, sites and collections or exhibitions of pictures. Even when you enter its arched corridors, hit by wind and sun, and listen to explanations of the guide, you seem to know better arena and fights between gladiators. Listen – to how much time? - That none of the modern stadiums failed to emulate the engineering model of the Colosseum arena. That for many shows organized by the Roman ruling class, are similar in magnitude and importance with the great game of football (and beyond …) today, although with different purposes. Imagining and over 55,000 people filling the ranks of the huge amphitheater and frantically aclamând favorite Gladiator victory, while politicians and nobles welcomes together for profitable investment, and members of the gladiator schools are up to November shows attractive, you can think that in 2000 years, some things remain unchanged.
So, for a short journey in the history of the Colosseum, we chose to mix a few interesting facts among several personal photo album, thus reminding you of the amphitheater was and still is an architectural marvel of Rome and the world .
construction of the Colosseum was started by Emperor Vespasian in 72 to 73 years (after the victory of the Jews, the riots of 70) and completed by his son Titus in 80. His brother, Domitian, completed arena in 81-83, with other walls underground tunnels used by the slaves and animals. It is said that in five years of uninterrupted, Hebrew prisoners raised amphitheater called “Flavian”, after the ruling family whose plans have been carried out successfully so. The name “Colosseum” has become popular for two reasons: arena was enormous, and its position close to the Colossus of Nero was an enormous statue of the former king, whose palace with ( Domus Aurea ) was destroyed by the successors to buildings make way for us.
elliptical, Colosseum measures 187 meters and 155 meters high focus on the small axis, while the arena itself is 76/44 m amphitheater facade rises to 49 meters and is formed of three floors traversing stone in combination with other materials (stone mortar and tied with iron clasps), each with one 80 spring floor, over which was added a fourth with windows. In fact, the walls that today are seen inside the old amphitheater.
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Colosseum story can be heard in numerous documentaries, read history books, encyclopedias viewed, sites and collections or exhibitions of pictures. Even when you enter its arched corridors, hit by wind and sun, and listen to explanations of the guide, you seem to know better arena and fights between gladiators. Listen – to how much time? - That none of the modern stadiums failed to emulate the engineering model of the Colosseum arena. That for many shows organized by the Roman ruling class, are similar in magnitude and importance with the great game of football (and beyond …) today, although with different purposes. Imagining and over 55,000 people filling the ranks of the huge amphitheater and frantically aclamând favorite Gladiator victory, while politicians and nobles welcomes together for profitable investment, and members of the gladiator schools are up to November shows attractive, you can think that in 2000 years, some things remain unchanged.
So, for a short journey in the history of the Colosseum, we chose to mix a few interesting facts among several personal photo album, thus reminding you of the amphitheater was and still is an architectural marvel of Rome and the world .
construction of the Colosseum was started by Emperor Vespasian in 72 to 73 years (after the victory of the Jews, the riots of 70) and completed by his son Titus in 80. His brother, Domitian, completed arena in 81-83, with other walls underground tunnels used by the slaves and animals. It is said that in five years of uninterrupted, Hebrew prisoners raised amphitheater called “Flavian”, after the ruling family whose plans have been carried out successfully so. The name “Colosseum” has become popular for two reasons: arena was enormous, and its position close to the Colossus of Nero was an enormous statue of the former king, whose palace with ( Domus Aurea ) was destroyed by the successors to buildings make way for us.
elliptical, Colosseum measures 187 meters and 155 meters high focus on the small axis, while the arena itself is 76/44 m amphitheater facade rises to 49 meters and is formed of three floors traversing stone in combination with other materials (stone mortar and tied with iron clasps), each with one 80 spring floor, over which was added a fourth with windows. In fact, the walls that today are seen inside the old amphitheater.
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10 Attractions of The City Berlin
Dozens of museums and dozens of breweries, thousands of animals and thousands of pictures – surely, Berlin is a city that takes time to enjoy what you offer. As tourists usually do not have time – it is, always, every little girl would be tried – we tried to give at least some parts, with the consciousness that I did little uncomfortable and still remains bothered by the thought that Berlin would deserve much more …
10.) Museums
German capital has an overwhelming number of museums, many of them very large, huge and valuable heritage with thousands of exhibits in the field of history, art and architecture. Here are some of the most impressive collections and museums that shelter:
Pergamon-Museum - a large collection of Greek and Oriental antiques.
Altes Museum (Old Museum) - Egyptian antiquities
Alte Nationalgalerie is – especially German painting of the nineteenth century
Bode-Museum - collections of sculpture, Byzantine art
Neues Museum - other Egyptian antiquities, plus prehistoric objects, here are some of the artifacts discovered at Troy
Historisches Deutsches Museum ( Museum of History , Lower photo ) – the heritage Uria , ” covering ” oo while the period of prehistory to stretch corduroy say today
Jüdisches Museum (Museum Hebrew) - housed in a building with original architecture and impressive features two millennial history of Jewish culture on the territory of present Germany.
Gemäldegalerie - thousands of paintings by European masters from the thirteenth century until the eighteenth century.
Museum für Naturkunde (Museum of Science) - an extensive collection of minerals and fossils, including many dinosaur skeletons
European Cultures Museum - the largest of its kind in Europe
Ethnological Museum - has a famous collection of archaeological pieces precolumbiana.
Berlinische Gallery - is a museum dedicated to design, art and modern architecture.
9.) Lakes
swimming pools on the banks of lakes and Wanness and Müggelsee are popular summer destinations, although a little crowded on hot days.
6.) Berliner Fernsehturm Telecafe
German Television Tower is the tallest building in Berlin, very popular among tourists because it offers, the rotating sphere “stuck” in it, a 360-degree panorama of the city from a height of 204 meters (whole tower is 368 meters).Inside the sphere are a bar and a restaurant.
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10.) Museums
German capital has an overwhelming number of museums, many of them very large, huge and valuable heritage with thousands of exhibits in the field of history, art and architecture. Here are some of the most impressive collections and museums that shelter:
Pergamon-Museum - a large collection of Greek and Oriental antiques.
Altes Museum (Old Museum) - Egyptian antiquities
Alte Nationalgalerie is – especially German painting of the nineteenth century
Bode-Museum - collections of sculpture, Byzantine art
Neues Museum - other Egyptian antiquities, plus prehistoric objects, here are some of the artifacts discovered at Troy
Historisches Deutsches Museum ( Museum of History , Lower photo ) – the heritage Uria , ” covering ” oo while the period of prehistory to stretch corduroy say today
Jüdisches Museum (Museum Hebrew) - housed in a building with original architecture and impressive features two millennial history of Jewish culture on the territory of present Germany.
Gemäldegalerie - thousands of paintings by European masters from the thirteenth century until the eighteenth century.
Museum für Naturkunde (Museum of Science) - an extensive collection of minerals and fossils, including many dinosaur skeletons
European Cultures Museum - the largest of its kind in Europe
Ethnological Museum - has a famous collection of archaeological pieces precolumbiana.
Berlinische Gallery - is a museum dedicated to design, art and modern architecture.
9.) Lakes
swimming pools on the banks of lakes and Wanness and Müggelsee are popular summer destinations, although a little crowded on hot days.
6.) Berliner Fernsehturm Telecafe
German Television Tower is the tallest building in Berlin, very popular among tourists because it offers, the rotating sphere “stuck” in it, a 360-degree panorama of the city from a height of 204 meters (whole tower is 368 meters).Inside the sphere are a bar and a restaurant.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012
How to Destroy an Asteroid
Researchers at the University of Tel Aviv say they found the means by which an asteroid can be destroyed and may cross the path of travel to Earth orbit. The only problem is the new way of Israeli scientists, who seems more complicated than that proposed in the film Armageddon.
Astrophysicists Israelis agreed that the best way to avoid a future collision with an asteroid, is that which will succeed in changing the trajectory of moving celestial body.
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Astrophysicists Israelis agreed that the best way to avoid a future collision with an asteroid, is that which will succeed in changing the trajectory of moving celestial body.
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Monday, April 23, 2012
The Beauty of The Aurora Borealis, as You've Never Seen It Before! (Video)
Aurora Borealis is common at night in the north, making their appearance phenomenon in the ionosphere.
The phenomenon is seen as a diffuse glow, a curtain extending from the west and it can often form arcs that evolve and change shape. Each “curtain” is composed of many parallel rays, the rays being given magnetic field, aurora borealis can be considered as “models of magnetic field” of Earth.scientific research has established that the aurora borealis appears mainly in a region as ring that has a radius of about 2500 km and is located around the Earth’s magnetic pole.
Moreover, auroras have never been seen in the right geographic pole of the Earth, held at 2000 km distance from the magnetic pole. formed magnetosphere because the plant is the solar wind hitting the Earth’s magnetic pole.
The region of soil is full of ions accumulated over time from the solar wind. Disturbance of these winds leads to increase the flow of ions, a process that leads to movement of ions along the field lines, eventually leading to change of the aurora borealis.
Two photographers have studied over time and various forms of aurorae realized, after working for over 6 months, videos of her extraordinary phenomena observed in northern Norway. first video was made by the Norwegian Terje Sorgjerd photographer, who endured temperatures of -25 degrees for a week to capture these images : The second clip is made by another Norwegian photographer, he spent six months near Tromsø, during which he shot 50,000 frames:
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The phenomenon is seen as a diffuse glow, a curtain extending from the west and it can often form arcs that evolve and change shape. Each “curtain” is composed of many parallel rays, the rays being given magnetic field, aurora borealis can be considered as “models of magnetic field” of Earth.scientific research has established that the aurora borealis appears mainly in a region as ring that has a radius of about 2500 km and is located around the Earth’s magnetic pole.
Moreover, auroras have never been seen in the right geographic pole of the Earth, held at 2000 km distance from the magnetic pole. formed magnetosphere because the plant is the solar wind hitting the Earth’s magnetic pole.
The region of soil is full of ions accumulated over time from the solar wind. Disturbance of these winds leads to increase the flow of ions, a process that leads to movement of ions along the field lines, eventually leading to change of the aurora borealis.
Two photographers have studied over time and various forms of aurorae realized, after working for over 6 months, videos of her extraordinary phenomena observed in northern Norway. first video was made by the Norwegian Terje Sorgjerd photographer, who endured temperatures of -25 degrees for a week to capture these images : The second clip is made by another Norwegian photographer, he spent six months near Tromsø, during which he shot 50,000 frames:
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View as Aurora Borealis Shot Shows The Plane! (Video)
During a flight from San Francisco to Paris, Bolt tions made 2459 such compressed images and the 10:30 flight in a two-minute movie.
The photographer captured the scene visible on the right side of an Airbus A340, from takeoff to landing. Thus, had the ability to take rare items, such as the Canadian tundra, or aurora borealis.
Staff at each takeoff board suggests that passengers stop all electronic devices and Bolt claims that ignored the warning: “photos during takeoff and landing are all models created on the computer , I would never use electronic devices while the Federal Aviation Administration forbids. I was lucky I had an entire row available to set up my camera, tripod and equipment “. However, a careful examination of the film shows that in fact he violated flight assistants recommendation.
Photos were taken with May many cameras: Canon 5D2, along with shutter and a 16mm-35mm lens, included a few shots captured with an iPhone.
Tional Bolt Air France staff has requested that allowed her to place the camera equipment during flights.
The photographer was lucky and caught the flight phenomenon aurora borealis. Here surprised Bolt clip:
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The photographer captured the scene visible on the right side of an Airbus A340, from takeoff to landing. Thus, had the ability to take rare items, such as the Canadian tundra, or aurora borealis.
Staff at each takeoff board suggests that passengers stop all electronic devices and Bolt claims that ignored the warning: “photos during takeoff and landing are all models created on the computer , I would never use electronic devices while the Federal Aviation Administration forbids. I was lucky I had an entire row available to set up my camera, tripod and equipment “. However, a careful examination of the film shows that in fact he violated flight assistants recommendation.
Photos were taken with May many cameras: Canon 5D2, along with shutter and a 16mm-35mm lens, included a few shots captured with an iPhone.
Tional Bolt Air France staff has requested that allowed her to place the camera equipment during flights.
The photographer was lucky and caught the flight phenomenon aurora borealis. Here surprised Bolt clip:
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Of The Failed Aircraft Can Fly at a Speed of 21,000 Km / H? (Video)
Researchers at the Pentagon were able to identify why the aircraft Hypersonic Technology Vehicle (HTV-2), able to fly at a speed 20 times in May than the sound, failed a test conducted in August of past.
HTV-2 aircraft crashed in the Pacific Ocean 26 minutes after the start of flight test .
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HTV-2 aircraft crashed in the Pacific Ocean 26 minutes after the start of flight test .
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"Bulb" That Lasts 20 Years Will be on Sale in U.s
The lighting was awarded the Bright Tomorrow competition, organized by the U.S. Department of Energy, the only one who could meet rigorous standards required by the organizers.
The competition aimed to identify an alternative 60-watt incandescent bulb, still widely used in the U.S., but to be taken out of production soon. (Manufacture of light bulbs of 100 watts has been stopped in the U.S. and Europe, in Europe was stopped and the 60-watt bulbs.)
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The competition aimed to identify an alternative 60-watt incandescent bulb, still widely used in the U.S., but to be taken out of production soon. (Manufacture of light bulbs of 100 watts has been stopped in the U.S. and Europe, in Europe was stopped and the 60-watt bulbs.)
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Iceberg is The First Killer Whale Spotted in The Wild White (Video)
Oceanographers and biologists from the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) have discovered the first wild white killer whale. Copy that swim in waters that bathe the shores of Kamchatka Peninsula of Russia’s Far East.
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Aurora mysteries finally elucidated
U.S. Mission Themis satellites were registered directly a violent explosion that lit the night sky magnetic Arctic.
"I discovered aurora borealis mystery", said in a NASA physicist Vassilis Angelopoulos report, the chief scientific officer of Themis mission.
Because fleet consists of five microsatellites, each weighing 70 pounds and launched in February 2007, researchers were able to review after one year obeservatie, how bright starts this spectacular phenomenon that occurs in the sky two poles.
placed in orbit ranging between 12 and 30 layers inside earth magnetosphere, which protects Earth loop of harmful effects of solar wind, satellites of Themis have been able, thanks to their size dSLR, the trajectory of particles (especially electrons) issued sudden magnetic explosions that occur in an unpredictable manner in this area of space.
"I discovered aurora borealis mystery", said in a NASA physicist Vassilis Angelopoulos report, the chief scientific officer of Themis mission.
Because fleet consists of five microsatellites, each weighing 70 pounds and launched in February 2007, researchers were able to review after one year obeservatie, how bright starts this spectacular phenomenon that occurs in the sky two poles.
placed in orbit ranging between 12 and 30 layers inside earth magnetosphere, which protects Earth loop of harmful effects of solar wind, satellites of Themis have been able, thanks to their size dSLR, the trajectory of particles (especially electrons) issued sudden magnetic explosions that occur in an unpredictable manner in this area of space.
Best Free Software for Pc - Download
Protection against viruses and spyware, power management, data security – with our free collection of essential PC programs you can enjoy all this without costing you anything.
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Sunday, April 22, 2012
Animals That Takes Us
I learned all the major animal fibers are wool textile industry and silk, that comes from sheep wool and silk from silkworms. Rarely think that fabrics which have put mankind (and still do) are obtained and the contribution of other species – an unexpectedly large numbers of animals also provide human material for all kinds of fabrics and braids. And among these animals, there are some which may surprise you, for instance, seashells and spiders.
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Art Makeup Perfect: The Girl Who Turns Into Angelina Jolie
With less talent and enough makeup, she can become anyone. Is able to emulate any famous character figure. Who would have thought that a young woman from Nepal can just give makeup lessons which are admired by millions of women worldwide?
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